
Showing posts from September, 2017

Detection Projects GPIB Controller Resources

MISSION : Detection Resources: I'm falling behind on this site. I do want to post some info so I do not forget. I plan on working on this site starting next weekend. As noted on my first successful (I thought I had posted before a test video though didn't seem to take) video post, I purchased two TDS-520 oscilloscopes (a 520 and 520B) in order to be able to detect wider bandwidth at a time, perform a few more critical receiving and transmission bench tests for my DIY Home made hardware and even software tests for the software controlled hardware projects. The 520B is working without any observed issues and passes all self-tests. The 520 CRT isn't working and I still need to troubleshoot the startup issues. Unfortunately the 520 doesn't have a VGA, Serial or Centronics output... only the GPIB output. I purchased and now have a NI PCI-GPIB Interface Adapter 183617J-01 card and I recently created a NI account and downloaded the NI 48...