
Showing posts from March, 2020

~450MHz Yagi Antenna Instructable for Standardizing DEW Detection Method


Detection Antenna Update: Spiral Conical Antenna Design

Image Inspired by the University of Illinois  antenna designs and SuperKuh  more improvised design along with some other references I found online when searching Google images, I decided to make a ~400MHz to 1GHz+ range spiral conical antenna starting with single and double bottom fed designs like Andrew McNeil' s spiral conical design videos and then a double top fed design like SuperKuh using household electrical wiring since I have some.  Some reference feed-line connector and math dimensions to consider (Note: update with better image with wavelength ratio specs), though for the bottom fed design I'll refer to Andrew McNeil's design beginning with a non-log spacing design.    Another design to consider for a final antenna with consideration regarding polarity where two antennas have a right hand polarization and two have a left hand polariz...

Newbie LTspiceIV and Micro-Cap 12 9th Order Elliptic 300MHz LPF

Image Note in the video below I forgot to add a 50 ohm load resistor as in the next video: