
Showing posts from December, 2018

Radio Direction Finding (Radio Telescope) Dish/Trough Project Update

I just realized I went through the month of November without a Blog. I wound up making the two Facebook posts that are noted in the link above regarding, the what will ultimately be, the Passive Synthetic Aperture Radio Telescope Project that once all four are complete will become a Passive Synthetic Aperture Phased Array Radio Telescope or Radio Direction Finding or RADAR System. Thanks to a gentleman on Craigslist who offered a free mirror... I am going to start moving forward on the IR-Vis-UV range of the project based on the performance of the mirror glass and reflective backing.  I think the glass will be more the limiting factor.  Praying for knowledge and wisdom for him and his staff so he heals up and gets better and at the least can maintain better health. I'm excited for sure with the progress, albeit slow... of the different related projects!

Magnetic Loop Antennas & Resources

I've been meaning to make a post regarding the VLF/ELF/ULF region and for some reason haven't.  Not sure... since correlating sound assaults is easier to do and maybe I assumed most realized or was remote handled not to show since the incidents that were MCL 750.377a, false pretense and worse beyond my control may have been due to my recording using Audacity. So, the orthoganial vector from the electric and magnetic field is the force pressure or sound field. That pressure from sound is what makes most microphones and speaker work.  There is an exception with electrostatic speakers and microphones... though I won't go into that topic which might be more like nerve conduction hearing or communicating. Back to a microphone.  A microphone might work to detect the assault signals and for more evidence... doesn't hurt to try to detect the electric and magnetic field also with an antenna.  You can consider using a capacitance electric field detection method or an inductanc...

Telescoping Yagi Update


Servo Magazine Issue worth buying and/or reading plus back to work on the telescoping yagi

Finally got around to working on the telescoping yagi that I think the spreadsheet I had was on the computer(s) in the mobile office Ford F150 that was stolen in Utah. I think I wrapped up the min and max specifications with the different telescopic antennas I have related to the min and max boom specifications.  I also decided to make an adjustable "U" matching network element or "hairpin" and need to buy two nylon 10-24 1/2" thumb screws.  I think that will take care of everything other than the modification of the antennas where I need to drill out a little larger for 6-32 or equivalent wood/sheet metal screws as well as the reflector antenna trimming down about 3/8" I'm thinking... though might not be critical since a receive antenna only.  Then again, I want to maintain the director, driven and reflector element ratios for optimal performance in the the ~440MHz range max Hz with a calculated new ~110MHz min Hz. I've been working on recr...