Magnetic Loop Antennas & Resources

I've been meaning to make a post regarding the VLF/ELF/ULF region and for some reason haven't.  Not sure... since correlating sound assaults is easier to do and maybe I assumed most realized or was remote handled not to show since the incidents that were MCL 750.377a, false pretense and worse beyond my control may have been due to my recording using Audacity.

So, the orthoganial vector from the electric and magnetic field is the force pressure or sound field. That pressure from sound is what makes most microphones and speaker work.  There is an exception with electrostatic speakers and microphones... though I won't go into that topic which might be more like nerve conduction hearing or communicating.

Back to a microphone.  A microphone might work to detect the assault signals and for more evidence... doesn't hurt to try to detect the electric and magnetic field also with an antenna.  You can consider using a capacitance electric field detection method or an inductance magnetic field detection method.

Here is a document I wanted to share regarding what I invested in (Behringer UMC202HD) to detect the audio region and instead of using a microphone I can, like with other sound cards that are low noise (e.g. sound blaster THX chip systems), detect the signals using an antenna:

This is from the Facebook Group:

Here is another post that provides some info that is helpful as many of the posts are:

Here are some other resources for antenna ideas (think using inductance and capacitance LC circuit ideas):

Info regarding what I am talking about from this post ( )
Think you want to make an LC circuit. L = Inductor and C = Capacitor, both of which have values that can be used to calculate the theoretical resonance: ...of the LC resonant or tank circuit. This is a really great concept to learn and comprehend probably seems like after Ohms law. Even if you forget and have to reference the equations. :-|)
A sympathetic resonance effect is going on if you were wondering: In radio lingo, the term is a parasitic element or passive radiator: It's kind of like a director element in a yagi antenna with three elements where the radio's antenna is the driven element: You can even design an AM, or any frequency, antenna with a reflector element too... though I've not seen that designed before. For AM I've typically found the loopstick antennas that are larger as an upgrade for the radios. For compactability, if needed for portability or whatever reason, the ferrite sleeve antennas are interesting to check out as DXerGary has a great link in one of my comments worth sharing:

Yes and you can verify theoretical resonant range of the antenna based on calculation and there are online calculators: The variable capacitor shouldn't interfere with the antenna if tuned to sympathetic resonance with the radio... however, there may be an optimal theoretical placement if you're being really really critical. Technically, if there isn't coupling... you could even use a capacitor decade box or make one with capacitors and switches. Facebook has some great Groups worth joining also with some excellent experts to ask relating to ELF, VLF, ULF and such:

630 Meters:

More details of the 630 Meters:


Interesting design of a wide band Mag Loop with great details in the first video also:

Cost Effective Ideas:

See RimstarOrg's other videos:

Ferrite Sleeve and Loopstick (see comments for links):


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