first post and test post


As with (, this site will document sound, mind and body Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Assaults instead with a focus on DETECTION PROJECTS.

***Please be patient with my formating as this site is an impromptu brainstorming exercise in progress that has not been formalized as clearly and easy to read as possible. I am still a targeted individual with unidentified stalkers that not only commit interstate domestic violence with HUMINT operations.  The continuing criminal enterprise (war criminals, terrorists, religious cults, RICO rackets, Offices Neglect of Duties, etc.) perform SIGINT, RADINT, MASINT, IMINT and/or ELINTmalicious intent static, noise, interference and jamming of my property, personality, thoughts, emotions, mood, acts, events, mind, body and perimeter including associates. They also meet the criminal definitions of interstate domestic violence, gang stalking, trafficking, brain washing, cult programming and mind control (e.g. Mann Act).***


The First of my detection projects is to document resources for information related to substantiating detection to assaults such as links to sites that define terminology, compile related information, define U.S. and State Laws, provide contact information to make criminal law complaints as well as reasonably suspicious activities, my experiences regarding what is on my mind, my experiences shared on other social media sites and other information shared on the internet world wide web. 

Blogspot to transfer comments and comment threads from various Videos.

Blogspot to transfer posts and comments from various sites.

Blogspot to transfer post, comments and information from various website and publication.



U.S. Army Intelligence and 
Security Command FOIA Request proving bio-effects of "selected" nonlethal weapons (note the verbiage notes the same weapons can be lethal if you read carefully):

My Facebook site:
My first Youtube site:

Other excellent resources:

Excellent book on Bioelectromagnetism:

John Williams of Read through the list of MIND CONTROL, ELECTRONIC ATTACK, DETECTION, COUNTERMEASURES DEVICE TYPES devices descriptions such as "Scanners the Device" and "the Ultimate Weapons and Lab Development System" Also, READ Tutorial 3:

Marty Kaiser:

Green Bay Professional Packet Radio (GBPPR) site(s):

I wouldn't have believed the electronic harassment stuff until I read more into the History of Amateur Radio (
200 Meters & Down at up on Marconi being hacked on note we should find the original publication noted in the article detailing how), Amateur Radio in generalat, Van Eck Phreaking )Electronic Eavesdropping Mitigation ( ), Military Radio, Intelligence and books on and other wikipedia.orgsite references that disclose the ways to explain, detect, counter, wirelessly receive and hack into or affect the human body sympathetic resonance frequencies and charges.  Dr. Robert O'Becker's book "The Body Electric" is an excellent start also especially in regards to charges and not only frequencies.

The Body Electric really opened my mind to reasons why there are classification schemes in government and corporations and why healthcare is not so great in general.  I feel this also correlates to public safety and general welfare being fraudulent and fictitiously well too.

This public health, safety and general welfare being substandard in general to domesticated advanced modern ways I envision is due to the gross frauds and cheats rackets 18 USC 96 RICO violating compounding and concealing crimes against humanity and concealing evidence with the offices neglect of duties profiteering off of tax fraud and tax evasion schemes that recklessly endanger society, disturb the civil order and peace and are maliciously intent on destruction of and destroying personalities, property, persons, people groups, communities and economies in the U.S. that preserve standard, regular and orderly civil society that is pro life and pro truth (John 14:6).

The destruction of the U.S. that preserved standard, regular and orderly civil society that is pro life and pro truth is led by intentionally willful wanton and knowing maliciously ill Latin Rite descent and accessories European and International invasive terrorist war criminals military and religious orders for their cronies and cohorts gains... trying to look cute, innocent and clean cut Christian well behaved.

Legal References and specific Statutory Laws (codes, compiled laws, etc.):
Specific U.S. Jurisdiction State Laws Defining DEW Criminal Violations:

MCL 750.200h:
MCL 750.200i:

MCL 750.543p notes definitions and unlawful/criminal/illegal acts and defines an electronic device as: (2)(b) “Electronic device” means any instrument, equipment, or device having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.

Interesting find when reading through the following list of Michigan Compiled Laws from the State of Michigan Legislatures website:

01/06/2017 Update:
MCL 750.224a notes definitions and unlawful/criminal/illegal acts and defines which would pertain to EMS device in regards to "a person shall not sell, offer for sale, or possess in this state a portable device or weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave, or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill."


The above laws verify the application of 
18 USC 2331, 18 USC 2332a and 21 USC 848 and most likely 25 CFR 11.411, 18 USC 2381, 18 USC 2441, 18 USC 96, 18 USC 113 and 18 USC 1111 and 28 USC 540B intent as well as 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 18 USC 2261, 18 USC 2261A acts as well as equivalent state constitutional and statutory law and even potentially the application of 18 USC 1201 and 18 USC Chapter 117 due to mind control from religious terrorist ritualistic cult programming or something similar programming either directly or using remote sensing and transmitting Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) or Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) radiation/radiological devices,e.g. electric fields, magnetic fields, vibrational energy, rotational energy, ionization, quantum energy etc.. Therefore; if no other means of prosecution or defense when there is an imminent threat to your own or others life(s) exist, then 10 CFR 1047.7 is authorized.

In the State of Michigan there is further lethal force prosecution allowed per MCL 780.972, MCL 780.951 and 780.941.

From what I read further, basically one of two specific criteria have to be met:

1. You “honestly and reasonably” believe that such force is necessary to protect yourself and / or someone else from imminent death or imminent great bodily harm.

2. You “honestly and reasonably” believe that such force is necessary to protect yourself and / or someone else from imminent sexual assault.

Furthermore, factoring in the following:

1. Whether your attacker possessed a dangerous weapon
- How can you tell what the sniper want to do?
2. Your size and strength
- Unfair, unreasonable, unaware of enemies capabilities, unarmed, noncombatant, etc.
3. Whether you were injured during the attack
That is why we have to learn to collect evidence. How can someone unless they are poisoned which falls under 18 USC 113 and 18 USC 1111 become mentally ill? Like the psych ward braver employees noted... most people here have been here since they were children and is strange the increase in older people having symptoms that never had them before.
4. Whether the attacker had attempted to injure you on previous occasions
That is why we keep reporting and collecting evidence, it's not like we're illegal immigrants acting like we're victims and trying to get welfare. I much more prefer to work and use my skills when I know I am still qualified. However, others around me are scared even if they don't admit that. Ask the State and Federal Officials regarding my complaints as well as my mortgage loan discharge investigators... though not my corrupt Home Insurance agents... that is a whole other detail)

I'm thinking if you can't tell that someone torturing you is intending to kill or maim you or other people is enough evidence to authorize deadly force since 18 USC 113 defines serious bodily harm including mental facilities. What is different than a kinetic device like a hand gun, sniper rifle or artillery device firing on you and you can't get away? Also, when someone wields a knife or syringe at you, what is the difference in determining their next course of action in regards to killing, maiming or injuring you or others?

I agree... military lethal force prosecutions are authorized when intelligence, TSCM/ES/EW/ECM operations are identified, qualified and determined to be lethal force prosecute-able since no one else is going to prosecute the operators, tacticians and strategists death sentence-able offenses. There can be events where there is in fact a situation where deadly force can be authorized. There is serious bodily injury including maiming that constitutes great bodily harm when we are resorted to not be able to use our advanced domesticated humane civil education for nothing other than the cheapest low life scum bags suicidal neuters recreational activity that like to have sex in necrophilic, pedophilic and other invasive nuisance destructive ways and means that only create victims for their criminal manufacturing enterprises if not worse poaching and recreational sado-masochistic non-consensual ways sport because maybe the victims were not pedos or something sexual deviant.

Criminal Law Complaint Resources:

Reference to 
Complaint Document where I've started to compile U.S. and State of Michigan Law Violations Related to DEW Use Violations:


  1. I'm behind on updating this blog, however I figured I should post some basic detection beyond what I have written on my FB account. The below information is what I wrote for the latest Comment and in regards to detection alone... does describe some ways though not as thorough as a procedure I would like to have detailed in the future that is more elaborate and step by step like an, or other site that details "How To" in a DIY way.

    Active Shielding
    Elaborating on the previous blog post in regards to Active Shielding Defenses:
    1. Using a receiver, microphone and/or antenna to detect the incoming signal at the perimeter environment of the location or targeted individual prior to engagement with the targeted individual or location boundary or internal system
    2. Then emitting/transmitting with a transmitter, speaker, transducer and/or antenna the inverse of the incoming signal so to cancel out the signal before entering the perimeter boundary or internal system location or targeted individual
    3. Keeping in mind ideally the frequency, charge, phase, polarity, magnitude and direction of the incoming and outgoing signals
    4. Preferably with Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) hardware and software especially freeware and Do It Yourself (DIY) or home-made systems
    I envisioned using a computer sound card and RTL-SDR or other SDR or computer interfaced and controlled transceiver(s) with audio recording and editing software to create effects based on the signals received. This is more complex and I will try to update this section in the future.
    SDR#, Spectrum Lab v.2.90b and Audacity are three of the applications I’ve used in the past to monitor and record the sound, mind and body assaults. I have found there are more advanced studio software (Cakewalk, Sonar,,, etc.) that can even create psychotronic, binaural and/or theoretically real time manipulation effects of the perimeter signals based on what is being received at the microphone(s), i.e. inverse the signals or change to make healthier signals, so you can play a real time countermeasure signal on your speakers.

    Audio Resources
    In review of the Bioacoustics Software and Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software I have found that there are different types of plug-in formats. The term for these plug-ins appears to be Software Effects Processor ( as with the hardware versions of either pedal, handheld, desktop, module or rack mount Effects Processor. Various plugin formats exist though there isn’t the best reference other than the links noted on the VST Wiki ( where you can scroll down to the Competing Technologies section to see the other Instrument plugin types.

    The references on Wikipedia seem to be capable of better organization, however for the audiophile laymen/novice as I am… there appears to be the following Music Software Plugin Architectures ( as well as a Comparison of Audio Synthesis Environments (

    In regards to Audio Freeware for Linux, there is a comparison of free software for audio Wikipedia site worth reviewing:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My LENOVO X200 laptop hard drive I was using last winter/spring died this summer and I was using the SD card with a Live USB and a DVD with a Live DVD of Ubuntu 17.04 until I could save up and invest in a SSD drive since a SSD should last better on the road. I wound up installing Ubuntu 17.04 also on a SD so I would have storage space I could access and a backup for once I got the SSD drive.

    I wound up finding a refurbished OCZ Vector 256GB SATA III drive on eBay for an awesome price of $69 with free shipping and after a little bit of difficulty getting the drive to work (needed to format on a Windows desktop... in my case a Windows 7 Ultimate x64... then I could install Windows 7 Pro x64 on the laptop).

    I shrunk the Windows 7 Pro install to about 200GB using Disk Management in Windows and then installed Skywave 2.3 Linux on a added Logical ext4 ~20GB partition with "/" as root to the unallocated space created. I also added a ~4GB Swap partition that both Skywave and Ubuntu should be able to use. I did have an issue with the Skywave install where the Configuration apt was hanging with pulseaudio pid.c overwrite commands that keep repeating where I just turned off the laptop.

    I then proceeded to install Ubuntu 17.04 on a added Logical ext ~10GB partition with "/" as root. There were and are no issues that I can tell so far with the Ubuntu 17.04 install.

    I'm guessing there is a root mount issue or update maybe that needs to be performed. I think there are some commands I have to learn for the Ubuntu access to the Swap drive as well as once I can get Skywave to startup.

    I figure I should learn and re-learn some Linux/Unix along with some DOS. I also have this urge to install Win95 and do some programming also. First things first... COTS projects to detect DEW assaults on a small budget.

    The Windows 7 Pro x64 install is working great with the new drive and is really fast. I added another 2GB memory also to bring the laptop up to 4GB.

    Next will be to see if I can freeze the old drive and recover data or go through my Google Drive saved files to re-create the old detection laptop. I'm not sure if a new controller card will fix the drive. I may be able to buy and return a same make and model drive where I can use the controller board to recover my drives data. First, I need to see what looks wrong and see if I can repair with what resources I have.

    Basically, for the detection laptop, I will add the software with the hardware I've noted on FB and above with the addition of the RavenLite 2.0 software I recently downloaded a copy of.

    I'll make an update on this blog with the software and hardware I'll be using this next round of detection and possibly Radio Direction Finding (RDF).

    I have a new DIY antenna based off the tape measure YAGI designs instead using a telescoping antenna and telescoping boom that is more tune-able (why I need the oscilloscope to mark tuned locations) for RDF that I haven't completed as I need to mount the telescoping antenna elements (director, driver and reflector) to the relative telescoping boom sections. I was planning on making the telescoping antenna elements fold-able for packing the RDF antenna. I was planning on using pre-tuned hairpins with banana plugs on the driving element for the 3 major ranges (70cm, 1.25m and 2m) I was thinking using for. I was also thinking making some higher frequency hairpins also for 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz ranges.

  5. Ideas for "not so thought of" detection frequencies:

    Here is a link so others are more aware of applications and sources (note a car RADAR detector could be used as a receiver for radio direction finding and even communications):

    Hacking the power system is well known in certain circles. I've heard that some trade shows for government employees and contractors have RADAR/SODAR that can resonate and tune into electric circuits and even interpolate fields eminating from those circuits. Not only listen to different outlets circuits like a fractal antenna with low noise high gain amplifiers so modern bugs are not required, they can transmit on those circuits which is more disclosed for radio use.

    Here are some interesting links for thought:

  6. OK... here is the painful stuff that can start to get dangerous and reads like can blow holes in materials and do the cavitation stuff:

    I do wonder what is the can penetrate walls most effectively frequencies that can be lased with a pulse in the below noted frequencies or like a interferometer intersect to cause a more localized effect maybe even with power lines communications ways (like who does spectrum analyzing of the power lines, I have a little though didn't scan as large of band width and only noticed activity more around 15Mhz or so the one time I did):

  7. I'm going to post more RADAR and remote viewing through walls links for some portable devices since I have so many comments on this youtube video:
    This one looks like the U.S. version (reads like one can be built for ~$55 US):

    Even DeWalt has an X-Ray scanner:

    Here is using RF:
    Links the above youtube video and is a better article with reference to research paper:

    Here is using Microwave RADAR:

    Here is using a accoustic version which I think is sonic with a microphone and geophones:

    FLIR One (this fits on a cellphone):

    Interesting technology:

    And an interesting design if you've experienced talking fans in hotel rooms:

    I thought this was an interesting link to train and create a simple way to visualize (better than a lecher wire):

    1. I should also note in regards to scanning the radio spectrum using SDR Sharp (I don't have the version available at the moment will edit later) and Spectrum Lab V.2.90b, I had both running at the same time. This is probably obvious, though figured I'd better clarify since I haven't written out in a procedure yet which I probably should do.

      To refresh, I used Windows 7 with SDR# with the frequency scanner plugin (though not required because you can manually change frequency ranges viewed in spectrum analyzer) the standard cheap SDR-RTL dongle with a Radio Shack Discone Antenna that the cable (LMR400 custom made as a splitter (soldered) for trunking (though wasn't used for this experiment with two SDR dongles) with PL259 ends) and connectors (MCX to PL259) were not tuned as I should probably measure the Impedance and SWR or the antenna line/feed (cable) with the connectors alone and with the antenna to optimize performance (lower noise, best reception for frequency and have less heat generation). At the same time I was using Spectrum Lab V.2.90b with the Microsoft Lifecam where the specs for Spectrum Lab V.2.90 are on my FB posts for January 2016 I think since I didn't document at the time I was at the Value Place in December-15/January-16.

      I have been looking at "geophones" that are smaller lower frequency detectors more used for seismology to detect lower frequency below the maybe appearant 8Hz cut-off the LifeCam webcam microphone which is more likely rated I'm thinking no less than 20Hz in reality as Microsoft only notes "wideband" for a spec.

      Maybe something like these links notes using a speaker and calibrating with an oscilloscope or maybe even a Lecher Line would work.

      OK... searching around google images and I found the link I was looking for. This site is awesome for antennas in the X/ELF to Low Frequency range. These are more probably for detecting EEG/ECG or human body resonance frequency signals that we'd want to record to demonstrate the remote targeting directed frequency effect on us.

  8. From a cost perspective standpoint I thought the website demonstrated plans for the ELF and ULF ranges. There are other geophones, SQUID Magnetometer and of course electrode options... though I was trying to work on researching non contact options. Another options would be video maybe for pulse and respiration... though you'd have to have a camera trained to the jugular and chest region with motion detection correlated to the metric that you would have to calibrate using a standard method.

    There are the following devices like Helo and iHealth which are wireless already for some metrics:

    This is an interesting website and camp as well as graphic for metric to test:

    Though we're getting into bulkier items that would have to be worn during assaults.

    That is why I went with a more wireless public investigation approach for design and lately transitioned into a "Integrated Wall" type display also. I got the idea from Instructables and here is an example though would contain more bio-metric (EEG, pulse, respiration, and maybe cyber-metric information (I've also been a victim of hacking and identity theft, not just the interstate domestic violence, attempted murder, maiming and stalking by the continuing criminal enterprise of terrorists that cause war crimes and racketeering acts 24-7-365 DI-X style) for the interior of the house or room with boundary information and external environmental information regarding incoming signals (video, audio, ultrasonic, subsonic, RF, microwaves, IR, UV, X-Ray, Gamma Ray, Geiger–Müller tube counter for particles):

    More like this though information for the Integrated Wall Display, preferably wireless and not wearable: (keep in mind more advanced, interesting GUI however)

    Interesting link to reference some safety metrics in general by NARDA, though when directed energy especially the smaller the focal point targeted these point measurements are more critical:

    Interesting link to a Course and Book on Bioelectromagnetics:

  9. This is a post I found on Amazon and I do not have a link to. However, a good reminder for all the devices in your environment that we need to consider. I prefer a cleaner UPS with known or little to no noise if not operating on battery power alone.

    "After Playing around with the Noo Electric SDR and the Ham It Up converter I realized there was too much noise in the system. You can't just use the wall warts that come with each device or just plug the SDR into the PC and hope there will be no noise. These components are a mix of analog and digital. The solution I used was to get a analog 24vcd power supply and then make a dual regulator board. This board provides 5vdc for the USB hub and 12vdc for the pre amp. This provides a filtered current swamp for the devices to function."


  10. "Impedence" of the tissues is another value to search for that is interesting once you comprehend... "how would you tune into the body organs like an antenna." I am working on charge (DC) research a little also as I think there is something else going on like with plasma or something. May just be the eV of the AC EMF in some form of DC conversion in a pulse somehow subtracting the negative for a positive charge or the positive if a negative charge directed. I visualize something like AC to DC power supply conversion signals.

  11. This post is a reply regarding detecting frequencies outside of the SDR-RTL or HackRF range.

    First off, I forgot to address the first part of your comment. No, not really as hard to find as you'd think. Think from the perspective of using an "upconverter" like you would though from the other end above 1.7GHz/6GHz on your SDR to detect higher frequencies though that would be a "downconverter" to detect higher than the SDR can. If you're not familiar with, read on the IF LO and HI (finding this will be from ARRL or device manuals since not much online for some reason). Basically, the converter goes between the antenna and SDR and allows for detecting outside of the range of the SDR or even typical hetero or superheterdyned radio.

    Here is a video for your HACKrf (note he isn't using the best setting and filters):

    Here is an excellent overview of the different upconverters:

    Here is one I bought that seems to work alright (looks like they have new TCXO oscillator and better low noise components in latest version. I've wondered about using a rubidium or cesium or hydrogen line oscillator also to be more accurate, though the TCXO are impressive for price):

    This link below looks like the same above though an open source version:

    Here is a more complex integrated one:

    I also own this one that works ok, though I like the first one:

    Read from this article that the SpyVerter is the best upconverter commercial off the shelf (COTS):

    Also, you can check out these videos of VLF as well as these websites regarding: (Interesting reading on using the sound card like with Spectrum Lab v2.90b) (great resource from author also) (arduino EEG interface) (This is an idea for an antenna, though I am not sure he goes about the audio pre-processing for what we need)

    Way to filter out FM and later in the video AM stations:

    Finally, something like the above link notes to filter out noise and unwanted signals you want to use ferrites on each end of the USB cable and for power something like an Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS) (veryify models since some do cause interference ( and search "UPS") or analog power supply with helps with reducing noise from the wall main 120V outlet if you can't be running off batteries. I'm aware of this already and that is why running off a laptop is the way to go, however this Amazon link has a comment from a purchaser noting his home made power supply to reduce noise:

    I'm also going to reference some other SDR-RTL modification and user links while I'm posting:

    Finally, this video and site is different and very simple, though an attempt with Kali Linux and SDR: (notice he find ~900MHz around his head)

  12. OK, pulled out the Lenovo data that isn't corrupted yet and the version of SDR# is Vers. I am also sure I didn't use the Scanner Plugin that I was thinking. Looks like I used the combo "Frequency Manager + Scanner" also though didn't think to look at the file to see the version when I had the Lenovo out. I should detail the settings into a procedure also since depending on the SDR you are using there are optimal settings, i.e. Sampling Rates, Sampling Mode (Quadrature / Direct Sampling Q) et. al.. A more detailed specification of the hardware modifications also is a great idea. For the dongle, I used copper foil I purchased off ebay from a music shop to line electric guitars pickups to line the dongle case (outside) to prevent noise. I was thinking about desoldering the MCX connector to put an SMA connector, though since they are recommended to 8GHz... figured really didn't need to. I wound up last winter purchasing the better dongle also though haven't used. I did picked up an aluminum case for the MCX dongle also, though I see those aren't for sale now. I wanted to test the different in performance in cases. I'm also seeing they have a E4000 chip SDR dongle that I think might not be a bad investment. Kind of off tangent, however looks like when reading NOOElect amazon listings they have extended range dongles in aluminum cases and 0.5ppm TCXO's. Maybe that would be best.

  13. I also want to comment recording using the sound card and microphones or geophones or XLF antennas. The best recording would be analog first off, i.e. using the best magnetic tape and recorder system. Seems cassettes used to have three options or so like chrome or something like that. With a computer the .wav file I want to say is the best format at highest bit. However, I was reading the Audacity optimal recording quality search from google hits and had one of those moments where I was like... duh!!! So some background first..., I knew there was something like telegraph pulse modulation and double checked and was wrong. It's TDM. You can read here:

    At least I knew there was PCM and LPCM for analog to digital for audio and the modulation did originate with telegraph technology I guess from what I read and multiplexing is another area of study we all should learn as originated with telegraph tech also.

    However, when reading the following:

    That is where I had the "duh" moment... I knew there were ways that sound and waveforms can be visualized even where if the pulse modulation or frequency is above or below the perception changes like in this demonstration (I haven't found a better audio example yet other than the link above detail... this may be a visual sensory phenomenon though I wonder if there is a hearing equivalent).

    So, to capture sound at a higher frequency and as the Audacity Quality site notes ultrasound we NEED to record at higher than the FREQUENCY we are recording SAMPLING RATE. So if we want to record on the laptop 22,000Hz (22KHz) then we need a sampling rate at or higher than 22KHz. Plus, keep in mind we need a microphone that is rated with specifications up to that range.

    Should make sense if you read and I can explain more if not. There is something though with rates and perception of the carrier wave and transmissions of the DEW system and the recording device being accurate, faster or slower if not in reverse if I'm comprehending what I am reading.

    I still wonder if when replaying the V2K, Silent Sound or whatever subliminal directed energy at us is... why I can't here the sounds legibly in audacity. I can see in the spectrum analyzer, SDR#, and waveforms recorded very clearly and obviously. However, the voice(s) are not legible... yet at least. I'm thinking analog is the way with cassette tapes since they're still on the market.

    With the highest sampling rate though and fast enough computer... we should be able to capture the crystal clear voices legibly. If anyone knows more certainly, please advise, comment, etc.

  14. Wanted to share some more links with references to recording and detecting the V2K and whatever method is being used:

    Here is an interesting link that we need to research more on the recording method. Looks valid in regards to the user named "Science" comment and I want to say this may be like a bone conducting microphone though more likely accurately like the author notes:

    This is his comment in case the link goes bad:
    "You can record the voices by recording the cochlear microphonic potential using a non contact capacative sensor and amplifying with an instrumentation amplifier with high input impedence, low noise, large CMMR rejection (Burr Brown INA116 available from Texas Instruments). The voices will appear in the recorded signal. The cochlear microphonic potential contains everything that you hear that originates from an external stimulus. Electromagnetic waves do not penetrate the skull since the skull is a conductor it shields the brain. Unfortunately the akull is a transducer and converts the electromagnetic energy into sound/vibrations which the cochlea picks up and the outer hair cells convert to an electrical signal called the cochlear microphonic potential."

    This is another link that we should document in a txt file or other document format. I haven't tried this method of Recording as noted in the video, however seems interesting and worth looking into:

    This is a link to corroborate with the above link regard other human body sensors that are non contact or contact titled "Non-acoustic sensors detect speech without sound":

    This link is interesting in regards to recording EEG patterns to identify V2K:

    RF Tube used to Heat People (randomly found today, though want to note Dr. Carlsons Lab is an awesome resource for electronics and the device is interesting noting the RF Heating effect with a device example):

    Interesting link with some scientific references: "Torture, Brainwashing and Murder in Germany" for detailed description of the technology used. Here a german text from my internetsite on how to actually measure the currents induced in the body:

  15. Therefore, there is a range of operations going on in regards to the mind crimes, mind control, body assaults, sound operations with different strategist, tactics and operations as I like to note in regards to who needs to be targeted for prosecution when there are imminent threats to personalities, property, persons, people groups, communities, economies and society. This is more-so required when the acts involve acts that are death sentence able and therefore lethal force prosecution is required since serial killing has been identified... especially in what is termed more by the late Ted Gunderson ( as in fact satanic or I like to add investigations of religious terrorist ritualistic criminals that if you've read that book noted below... the book needs to be updated for the newer DEW's noted in the new legislation 18 USC 2331, 18 USC 2332a, MCL 750.200h&i, 750.224a, 750.543p, et. al. operations and with the new cults identified.

    Check out the videos below to get a glimpse of what some news agencies in the past used to expose... though since in the U.S. the repeal of the fairness in reporting act (Fairness Doctrine: and the mayflower doctrine was repealed... news agencies are not held accountable to detail unbiased reporting.

    This post and another note a knightmare ( here in the U.S.:

    An not only in the U.S.... CERN and elsewhere (note the staged recording at CERN of a human sacrifice like the person documenting wasn't in on the ritualistic criminal event):

    This is an interesting video noting the next recommended video ECINT warfighters:

    Insight into an investment banker that performs economic warfare as an alternate to kinetic operations in the Western and advanced Eastern global markets:

    This coupled with the sexual deviant sodomist narcotics and dangerous drugs addicts addicted to necrophilic forensically clean kill sexual acts with pandering and human trafficking for recreation since the JFK administration sacking the valid U.S. leadership to be replaced by Roman/Italian/Maltese/Jesuit thug goons with strange two faced cliche using double talk with euphemisms and anecdotal statements looking like Christian Executives to serial kill the pro life pro truth society and civilizations. The news is more an entertainment outpost for propaganda dissemination of whomever is controlling and managing the station.

    Psychiatry and psychology isn't all wrong... though worse than physics... can be confusing and misleading if not malicious even in intent in some organized crime gangs cults. There are quantitatively valid methods coupled with biochemistry and even bioelectromagnetics that still needs to be exposed and utilized for diagnosis and therapeutic treatment. Even with the DEW assaults, psychological and psychiatric conditions that were not pre-existing may exist and can be diagnosed for the record to couple with evidence submission of the cults continuing criminal enterprise of war criminal terrorist rackets racketeering and racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO: operations.

    1. Most of the operations are a black PSYOPS ( operation coupled with other sexual deviant controlled substances induced Mind War ( and forensically clean device slow kill if not kinetic rapid response raid sting kill methodologies if no one collects evidence and encourages law enforcement and defense operators, tacticians and strategists to do their job validly as a public or private servant is charged and entrusted to perform.

  16. Amazing how mafia juvenile delinquent animals these "kids" are. Previous generations knew this and lethal force prosecuted them legally with public executions and wars for a reason in mass.

    The religious terrorist ritualistic cult ceremonial ways and means always in the commission of a crime intentionally and in some, if not many cases, death sentence able and imminent threats... cause me to believe they must be deliberately brain washed to be lethal force prosecuted albeit really slow so that they're eradicated from the inventory of sub humans from the planet... all the while causing collateral damage of more innocent people than them to have their criminal charges set aside or snitch their way out since they're all a kingpin trafficking network of sexual deviants if not worse prison systems trash using courts to look more official with law enforcement, health care and retail operations degenerating into malicious operations that aren't even valid if ever were in the first place (though I do believe founding fathers and some puritan Christian John 14:6 "pro life and pro truth ways" we sincerely valid in intent and acts).

    Try not to get involved and waste to much time on them. That is what they want. We need to detect signals also with sounds and body and mind control assaults if you and others are experiencing them. I get sound, body and mind control intense every day since the Clinton Administration and probably at an even younger age since I had political connections that probably were murdered by partisan terrorist sexual deviant sodomizing sadist narcotics and dangerous drugs cartels networks.

    Advocate more lethal force prosecutions since the "status quo" is clearly war crimes acts of treason by far more than celebrity invasive nuisance mass murderers making their victims and people think they are telling the truth.

    They use torture and mass murder via unreasonable serial killing to coerce, seduce, manipulate, blackmail, extort and intimidate those they can't bribe into compliance with their continuing criminal enterprise racket racketeering of seriously mental ill grandiose delusional war criminals committing treason terrorizing whomever they want just because they "want to do whatever they want". They're always in the commission of a crime and are no ways and means immune from prosecution. We need to encourage our executives, legislatures and people that they need to be lethal force prosecuted period... per the spirit, intent and letter of the law to stop their fake new and narcotics and dangerous drug poisoning cartels lying Hillary strategies, tactics and operations.


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