Ultrasonic Projects and others

I was looking into the latest and greatest microphones, ultrasound microphones and detecting ultrasound in general more real time spectral analysis since I was thinking about modifying the Mini-3 Bat Detector to perform a more automated sweep versus just turning the variable capacitor.

Well, I found this interesting video that's inspired me to add an antenna connector onto the Mini-3 Bat Detector or just invest in one of the Franzis systems this gentleman is using in the video:

In regards to sonic range recording and maybe getting into the ultrasonic range... there is this build that has some great info regarding the most cost effective lowest noise mic on the market, the Rode NT1-A Studio mic:

If you read into the above videos description link, the authors note the amplifier might be good above 100kHz also.

Here is the screenshot from the above video of the schematic noted used:

See here for above video reference: https://sound-au.com/project66.htm

In regards to updating the SB1095 to be even lower noise floor as described here:...
http://www.vlf.it/pernter1/x-fi_modifications.html ...

... I'm thinking I'm wanting to invest in the Sound Blaster G6 or another low noise floor 384kHz or higher sampling rate USB sound card to increase the spectral detection frequency range since aliasing won't be an issue so much detecting up to 192kHz (the Nyquist frequency = half the sampling rate) and I can more real time detect (of course there is latency with these USB sound cards... though the Behringer UMC202HD might have a 384kHz sampling rate equivalent now days that is zero latency).

Basically, the SB1095 limit is 96kHz which isn't quite up to the 160kHz limit of the Mini-3 Bat Detector.

Now, in regards to other more real time spectra analysis... I found two new to me ultrasound microphone systems, the Echo Meter Touch (as well as 2, Pro 2 and others) by Wildlife Acoustics and M500 (as well as 384 and others) by Pettersson.


  1. Mini-3 Bat Detector Teardown Photos

    I probably can make a video of this and detail the project in a vlog... though haven't been making videos lately. Thinking the antenna make is also going to be a worthy project to video the steps.

    I did a quick inventory, as I was planning on doing what was done above in the "Fledermaus Detector..." youtube video with the Mini-3 Bat Detector back in 2015'ish, and have 550ft of 8/44 Litz Wire and enough magnet wire if I want to use that. The first loop I was planning was to use telephone wire re-purposed as a single wire wrap by splicing to make as so.

    I was planning with other receivers also to see performance using the Active PA0RDT Active Mini-Whip Antenna and a Loop Antenna so I can detect on the same detectors the Electronic Field, Magnetic Field and the Pressure Wave. Is interesting to see how the latency and performance differences are. Directionality is also interesting to observe and have.

  2. Great reference information on this website (TSCM.com) regarding like what the The Basement Buggers Bible details along with far more info regarding Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) like typical frequencies used, legislation, etc..

    1. Adding to the science from a dialog I had with Clint McLean, regarding Known Science:

      Uses of technology as noted somewhat in the Basement Buggers Bible. pgs. 202 (last paragraph), 211 (4th to 7th paragraph), 216 (last paragraph), pg 264, pg 95 and 96 goes into modulation and optical/laser methods, pg 112 gives insight to the ultrasonic devices, 138 & 189 notes repeaters which make for challenging hunting, and the need for trace routing if on hardwired/carrier current systems, 186 first paragraph notes microwaves See pgs. regarding sound detection and think how the detection systems can transmit "sound" and other signals using heterodyne, pulse train and other carrier wave & modulation methods.
      The Basement Buggers Bible

      Gun Knocks Out Criminals (or More Innocent Victims) With Noise

      Might be due to the very small intensity of signal that a human can perceive with well known sensory systems and reflexes. I suppose some reflexes aren't so well known.

      Add the reference to Electrophysiology and Bioelectromagnetics after maybe: "The human brain is an electrical organ and uses charged particles, ions, for conducting electricity and it also has dielectric qualities, so it has resonant frequency ranges that would affect it the most." Bioelectromagnetics

      I've not found a better reference for electrophysiology in book format yet:
      Electrophysiology Modalities By Body Part Wiki

      Maybe even can study and show an example of the dB's and the actual membrane or signalling potentials that are most sensitive. I'll read into this more as I'd like to have a more thorough comparison... especially with the space based largest dish data I was reading in this article (see tables in link below):

      Thinking can inductively reason capabilities logically. Though thinking whatever handles me... doesn't want me to do that just yet.
      PG-SIGINT-Satellites PDF

      Ca+ I recall being noted somewhere and would effect acetycholine like Na+ and K+ and maybe other effects. Think is suggested in the Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons FOIA Request doc. I need to read into... though might not be bad to included if can find references regarding known RF and Microwave effects on electrophysiology. Also, I've been told online chatting and have read somewhere that I don't recall at the moment that the HPA axis hormone is impacted typically.

    2. Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-Lethal_Weapons.pdf

      When noting neuron length... you're not including the longer and longest lengths of the neurons since a neuron starting in the brain will have peripheral nerve lengths out to the extremities of the body with smaller axons/dendrites I've thought potential resonators. Reference to longest Neuron

      Would be interesting to determine the lengths of the neurons related to the signals of interests and their function. Then see if there is any correlation statistically.

      In regards to the NSA letter... I'd note "such a weapon can" exist and re-enforce the section with the Active Denial system and U.S. D.o.D. noting testing causing injuries and killing when outside of thresholds.
      Ray Gun A Lethal Weapons

      Military War Animals

      Also can note the U.S. Army Intelligence F.O.I.A. request section noting not "non-lethal" when outside thresholds specific weapons claims.

      Distance of the LRAD's and Active Denial can also corroborate the distance the weapons systems can operate from. The Basement Buggers Bible eludes to distance of passive detection where thinking the other way around... transmission that is directed and even if not highly focused to a pinpoint/pencil beam is highly feasible.

      Long Range Acoustic Devices notes 5,500 meters just for ultrasound and that isn't the typical buggers method system and as noted not good at transmission characteristics through some, if not most, materials.

      Active Denial System FAQ's Q2 notes distance for the active denial system. Q10 and Q11 also noted thresholds and injury potential.

      Other information that is insightful with references:
      Active Denial System

      Not sure the distance the smaller versions can go, though is interesting this perspective also:
      Don't Let Military's Deadly Pain Ray Machine Invade LA County Jail

      Reads like Silent Guardian is over 250m range: Rayheon Brings Heat Ray Silent Guardian

    3. Bioelectromagnetics and electrophysiology is studied in medical school and is well established science with medical device manufacturers utilizing the effects with many medical devices that are used in medical diagnostic and therapeutic settings.

      The microwave research regarding effects on the opiods receptor system might be useful. Maybe suggesting harmonics may have fractions of a wavelength sympathetic resonance effects. Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on hippocampal and frontal cortical choline uptake are classically conditionable.
      Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat.
      Low-level microwave irradiations affect central cholinergic activity in the rat.

      This aligns with the cholinergic effects I was reading about and I'm guessing there might be a Ca association since that is a well known association in physiology that is proven science.

      For the heart, you can also reference the www.military.com reference I have on the instructable... seems there are other references regarding wireless medical devices equivalent to AED's and Heart Rythm Correctors though I don't recall at the moment. I think those are microwave devices if I recall correctly.
      Moscows Remote Controlled Heart Attacks

      I can't download... though looks like is online the above referenced paper: "Bioelectrodynamic Criterion of the NLW Effectiveness Estimation and the Interaction mechanisms of the multilayer Skin Tissues with electromagnetic Radiation"

      Thinking like noted also in wireless methods vs carrier current hardwired methods: Electrical induction of ventricular fibrillation in the human heart. A study of excitability levels with alternating current of different frequencies.

      Naval_Safety_Center_Acquisition_Safety_RF Radiation RFR Hazards.pdf (induced, coupled and thermal effects)

      Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation

      Effects Cellphone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure Brain (glucose issues)

      Genetic effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR)

      I wonder if electroporation, thermal effects and maybe even resonant chemical effects in the non-ionizing range are the scientific basis for mutations... even if only scaring or premature aging... of cells. Electroporation Wiki

      I like how Thought Emporium details here at this time two methods:
      thought Emporium - Genetically Modify Bacteria

      Other methods clearly noted by science: Gene Delivery


    4. Evidence for an effect of ELF electromagnetic fields on human pineal gland function. effect-electromagnetic-fields-pineal-gland.pdf

      Microwave News (Alzheimer references) stronger-evidence-alzheimer-emfconnection.pdf

      Protecting Military Personnel and the Public from the Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation_712674.pdf (pg19 on to tables)

      Protecting Military Personnel and the Public from the Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation_712674.pdf

      The above pdf has interesting observations noted and thinking has some good references found in the bibliography sections. I haven't read though... just a thought. From 1979 too.

      Regarding the "...major airport radar...". Thinking maybe noting duty cycle and focal point (highly focused) effects that are described well by Styropyro in one of his latest videos... this explains the intensity significantly increases when focused to a smaller point. then maybe watch to about 16:30.

    5. Styropyro video reference noted above

      Granted... this is high energy thinking... though thinking from the perspective of scaling back the energy level to cause in reverse order... ablation, burning, coagulation, and other significant... though more minor effects where cumulative stress traumas can maim.

      Would be interesting to identify, qualify and quantify the range of effects by tissues and more.

      An extreme perspective of the remote sensing and remote transmission capabilities in existence can be reviewed in the tables in the PG-SIGINT-Satellites.pdf document. That is attached above and I think I already noted this. Had in my notes though.

      The safety limits are omni-directional testing based (verifying test methods will be nice) and not directed beam formed or highly focused I assume. Then add issues with resonance maybe?

      You might add regarding Foster where like the pressure wave resonance with an eardrum... the resonance pressure waves can damage tissues if highly focused or high intensity not focused. Granted this is typically high energy... though duty cycle and focused significantly add to the effect that can be localized and not only acute.

      Also, thinking how electrocautery tools work and even the cheap $12 ebay electrocautery pens. I even have one and amazes me what they can do to up to ablating tissues. Lser Beauty Pen Dark Spot Remover etc

    6. You can add basic physics of optics and electromagnetics regarding materials having transmission, absorption, diffusion, reflection and refraction characteristics just
      like human biochemical molecules, cells, cell clusters, tissues, organs and organ systems do. Basic medical school knowledge.
      Quantum Physics

      Woops... the above link wasn't what I meant to paste... there used to be a more basic version and looks like the newer version is cluttered more:

      This looks like the one, typo on diffusion... meant diffraction... though diffusion is a characteristic of radiation propagation: Light and Vision

      Millimeter waves are microwaves... just verify the wavelength of 95GHz to see what the millimeter equivalent is. Falls under the W-band: W-Band

      Can also add 5.8GHz and 5G approved RF and Microwave frequencies as China is leading the way in the tech as noted by a U.S.A.F. general.
      5G New Radio Frequencies

      5G Beamforming

      The Threat of 5G

      This is more a cyber security and economic threat since China took more the lead on developing 5G tech vs the U.S. when developing previous.

      Add the internet of things and the Targeted Justice mindset of thinking:
      Timeline for Satellite Weaons


      Whew! Overwhelming assessing the infrastructure hacking or back door capabilities... I reviewed at one time over 1 million stations in, on and around the planet. Of course... that was half a decade ago and in my mobile office/homestead truck that was stolen.
      ...out in Utah when I went around to other U.S. District Offices to complain.

    7. You can also theorize heterodyne, pulse train and higher frequency carrier wave with target demodulation RF/Microwaves at the target to better projects the lower frequencies a longer distance as LRAD and other acoustic hailing technologies are clearly known to have capabilities to do what is scientifically proven... wireless.

      Penetration through walls will be challenging and I suspect organ specific demodulation methods capabilities as some are well known... though not certain about boundary penetration/transmission effects.

      You can also add "Medical Device and Healthcare Industry" as well as "Law and "Legal" related industry will lose business due to less ability to injure, maim and slow kill with brainwashing, cult programming and mind control losses in continuing criminal enterprises.

      This is clearly the opposite of the systems implementations to "prevent violence" and other ways noted by Delgado and others in the "Minds of Men" and other works.
      Mind like RADAR ...watch to 1:29:30

      Brainwashing, Decoding and Re-coding the Mind...watch to 3:03:11 at least and better to 3:04

      I'm thinking you'll like this section on EEG's as I don't notice in your paper anywhere. May be leads to more reference information that proves the scientific point needed regarding reading the mind.

      There are some section regarding Delgado's work... though I want to note this observation in the NYT in 1970:
      Eludes that Delgado Brain Research was Wireless without Implants also using radiocontrasting or attenuating agents

      Here's one of his (Delgado's) books:


      This is an interesting excerpt also that caught my attention (seems there is a National Archives or other government related reference I've found before to substantiate the book claim):
      Delgado 1974 Congressional Remarks

      The Mind of Men clearly notes in multiple references... though José Delgado in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward A Psychocivilized Society, p. 116 noted perception of stimulation basically wasn't noticed as induced or own self.

    8. This all clearly reminds me of the denial of public health and safety issues surrounding Lead additives as noted in Cosmos A Space-Time Odyssey S01 - Ep07 The Clean Room Lead and elsewhere like:
      Secret History of Lead

      You can add the reference to Tetraethyl Lead additive in gasoline and the testimony like Foster by comparing to Dr. Robert Keyhoe vs Dr. Clair Patterson's research regarding lead contamination when studying the age of the earth.

      Microwave research was going on in the 19th century also using optical train like systems and not long after on living systems:
      emerson_delhi.pdf">Emerson Delhi J.C. Bose


      This one is the J.C. Bose link... above is related to Dr. Ross Adey (about to run out of battery so will post the rest of my notes)... Have a good one and all the best!

      Verify below sources with references:

      Dr. Ross Adey 1970's work at Walter Reed, the Brain Research Center at the University of Southern
      California, worked on the CIA’s infamous Pandora projectand reviewing LIDA

      Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer working for Stanford
      Research Institute (which is a leading military contractor), “developed [in 1974] a computer
      system capable of reading a person’s mind. It correlated brain waves on an
      electroencephalograph (EEG) with specific commands

      Dr. Eldon Byrd, a Navy medical engineer with a graduate degree from George
      Washington University, worked on the Polaris weapon system as an engineer, worked for
      Naval Surface Weapons Office, was tasked in 1980- 1981 by the US Marine Corps as
      Project manager to develop non-lethal electromagnetic weapons for purposes
      including “riot control”, clandestine operations and hostage removal. Worked on ELF,
      non-linear magnetics. He worked with Ross Adey, Dr. Elizabeth Roscher, Michael
      Persinger on the ability to entrain human brainwaves at a distance. And he said, “We
      accomplished it.” 1980. His project went dark after that. It was taken away from him.
      He had it confirmed from a senator—Senator Pell—confirmed for him that his project
      went dark. Byrd was quoted in a lecture around 2001 as saying, “Is Mind Control
      Possible? Absolutely. There is a mountain of evidence.” He went on to say that,
      “Today we know there are technologies that can induce sound into the brain at a
      distance, can monitor and alter brainwaves at a distance, can alter behavior at a
      distance, can induce images into the brain at a distance, can target individual organs
      at a distance. Can disrupt the calcium ions binding on individual cell surfaces at a
      distance, creating pain and other effects anywhere in the body. Mind control
      technology exists, without a question.” Less than a year later, Dr. Byrd was dead.
      Maybe it was a coincidence.

      A 1980 NASA document [NASA abstract Report Number: AD-A090426, June 1, 1980]
      described that one can remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of
      personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwave…. By proper choice of
      pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created . 1980. Yes, 1980.

    9. There is this (Rubik) image as I've noted before and referenced research that I've never been able to find and substantiate and I also wonder about pulse train (whatever type of pulse method) to create other resonance frequencies that are documented at least in patent literature and other bioelectromagnetics sources.
      Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts

      Here's that reference article with other references for the Spectral Emission of the Human Body that I've not been able to substantiate.
      Measurement of the Human Biofield and other Energetic Instruments

      Like the signals must be known... though aren't clearly well disclosed like I found with microwave spectroscopy compared to other forms of spectroscopy frequencies of different materials.

    10. Even with known spectroscopy methods... the libraries of the spectra usually aren't open source and have to be bought for the specific instrument other than like BioRad or other prediction software apps that predict the frequencies for the Molecular Energies (E): Energy Level Molecules

      BIO-RAD Spectroscopy software

      Had to double check as I'm not sure now days what all software is available... even if for a free edition to decompile to get the data.

      Here's a new link I just found for molecular energies: Molecular Energy Levels

      So, figure also like these fundamental more disclosed frequencies of molecules... there might be impact also by harmonics and combination bands as like how NIR works since most of the fundamental modes aren't in the NIR region compared to the Mid-IR region of frequencies/wavelegths.

      Then add the dimension of more complex molecules, biomolecules, cell biology, cells, cell clusters, tissues, organs and man... a lot there to consider if getting technical.

      I find interesting the lack of disclosure that is clear of the spectroscopy from microwaves on down other than NMR/EPR/ESR... where even the later two aren't so well documented. NMR is going bench now without liquid gas requirements and there is work done with earth field NMR I see. I do wonder if SQUID's or other detectors or methods might be more effective than is disclosed.

      Kind of a tangent of topics somewhat... though figured I'd share my observations from being a spectroscopist/chemometrician for most my private industry working career.

      When you showed me the ADR... I started wondering back to the last article in the previous comments I made (emerson_delhi.pdf) regarding the optical like methods for beam forming and working with microwaves from the 1800's by J.C. Bose not well known:J.C. Bose emerson_delhi.pdf

      OH, and in regards to the human body signals being known... Berkeley used to have on Youtube more videos of prediction of words related to thoughts... though for some reason removed.

      Somewhat like the 60 Minutes Mind Reading report where I have the excerpts to save time on the blogger under "Reading Your Mind Key Points:" (click Read More in the lower right corner and scroll down to) Remote Sensing Remote Transmission DEW Defense Report

      Getting visual data from a cat's brain in realtime (TechnoCalyps)

      Here's the time saving excerpt of the above video if you haven't seen:
      Getting visual data from a cat's brain in realtime 46 seconds in

    11. Was looking at the Wiki for the Maser and is noting two solid state advances and the cryogenic method in more detail regarding noise floor capabilities.

      Wondering if coupled with passive reflectors in space based on the RF/Microwave capabilities what detection performances can theoretical exist from space and not only on the ground since the devices are also claimed in the same article "Masers are used as the timekeeping device in atomic clocks, and as extremely low-noise microwave amplifiers in radio telescopes and deep space spacecraft communication ground stations."?

      This get's me wondering about the capabilities of modifying or hacking the systems for other uses and maybe there are some more main stream systems implemented post satellite communications and telecom boom of the late 90's and 2000's still going strong with most likely classified systems improvements. I'm sure experts have proprietary not wanting to disclose methods.

      I also wonder if those in private investigative or defense contractor groups or even bomb squads since they've invested in ultra or extremely low noise floor amplifiers and I'd think receivers also, have systems that can go even lower than noted below since the noise floor on the solid state Rohde and Schwarz Spectrum analyzers can go down to ~-160dB+... so thinking what is noted next is very old well known science further muddled by differences in terminology and units like "noise temperature". Though noise K makes sense for amplifiers... would be nice if there was more info on the actual signal or spectrum analyzer or receiver noise floor and dynamic range.

      "This gave such a low noise figure that the Mariner IV space probe could send still pictures from Mars back to the Earth even though the output power of its radio transmitter was only 15 watts, and hence the total signal power received was only -169 decibels with respect to a milliwatt (dBm).Maser Uses

    12. "Displayed average noise level (DANL) in 1 Hz bandwidth: –155 dBm at 1 GHz, –147 dBm at 30 GHz; with R&S®FSV-B24 preamplifier: –162 dBm at 30 GHz" R&S Spectrum Analyzer specs

      So ~1e-20W is feasible with cryogenic methods in the mid 60's Mariner Program Mariner 4 reference

      ~1e-18W (-150dBm) is feasible today at ambient conditions clearly disclosed.

      Is that right... without lock-in amplifiers or cryo-cooling the detection now days is in the sub attowatt range?

      1 attowatt is equal to 1e-18 watt.

      Until I just did the math conversion to watts from dBm... I thought attowatts needed a precision lock-in amplifier or maybe a large interferometer to measure that low.

    13. Now wondering what the latest lab grade test instrument lock-in amplifiers can measure down to.

      Same goes for the interferometers that aren't like LIGO even though LIGO is down to 1e-22 looks like if I'm reading correctly:

      Lock-in Amplifier Wiki

      Then again... the newer lock-in amplifiers are worse from what I understand other than an expanded frequency range. Probably the system might not need the sensitivity. HHhmmm... wonder what that is for say the PAR models.

      Technically, might make sense the move from precision lock-in amplifiers like the one I have (PAR-124a) that used to be one of the best and easier to maintain... though slow in response depending on signal and not well suited as a receiver typically at the attowatts range at least.... I'm thinking... I might be wrong... I've never used so can't say for certain.

      Per the manual the PAR-124a can detect down to picoVolts and I'm not sure about the related current to correlate into watts... though I'm pretty sure the generic modern lock-in amplifiers can detect and measure down into attowatts.

      Rambling about this has me doing some math... and per the PAR-124a manual: "Signals in the range of picovolts up to 500 millivolts at frequencies from 0.2 Hz to 210 kHz can be measured quickly and precisely. "

      Therefore, a 50 ohm impedance system at 1e-12 volts (V) per ohms law 2e-14 amps (I), therefore 2e-26 watts (P) (wow, that's low = ~-227dBm). Then up to .5 V * .01 A = 0.005W = ~7dBm

      Granted, the frequency range is limited without extremely/ultra low noise system downconversion... or I guess upconversion if wanting to look at infrasonic frequencies even lower.

      Wow! I'm still amazed I never did that math before... my PAR-124a can detect down to ~-227dBm. Man... that's extremely sensitive.

      The PAR-124a is a early 1970's system also. PAR-124A

      The specs were amazing and once I read about really generally... I figured I better keep my eye out for and invest in... though am observing signals in the sonic and ultrasonic range as well as RF... I'm thinking I need more frequency ranges to explore and be careful about disclosing specific frequencies unless they're disclosed like you're doing and I've been trying to really generically.

      Man, I never did a dBm calculation or looked at the noise floor or dynamic range of this unit... damn ~-227dBm... no wonder so highly regarded of an instrument compared to the newer systems... granted the newer lock-in amplifiers can detect up to 600MHz reads like... hhmmm... wonder why 600MHz? Thing is the bandwidth can be extremely narrow... like uHz and time for certain measurements change also the more accurate if I understand correctly.

    14. That is one of my theories also... since the electrophysiological signals are so low frequency... the accuracy of the system has to be critical as well as the lock-in of the specific signals to detect and manipulate if manipulating critically. Least was my theory.

      I'm guessing more operators and operations are so dangerous since they just "bathe" the target for malicious intent verses mind reading or remote control handling.

      Here's a reference to the PAR-124a and Lock-In amplifiers if you're not aware of... they're well known proven science in some circles:
      Homebrew Lock-In Amplifier

      That and the articles I referenced in this thread here turned me on to investing in:
      PAR-124A in the Test Equipment for Sale Wanted or Exchange groups io

      Wow, so spectrum analyzers that are main stream that can detect down to attowatt levels not even cryo-cooled and old 1970's lock-in amplifiers that can detect down to ~-227dBm... wow... so beyond yocto I guess back then... I've never even looked at anything or read about below atto until now. Atto Wiki

      Guessing why those systems aren't well disclosed outside the physics and surveillance communities.

      More proven science and evidence of the masses compounding and concealing.

      Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm still like in shock and amazement what I invested in last summer. Excellent investment... though thinking the ~-120dBm SDRPlay RSP1a, ~-70dBm HackRF and ~-120dBm noise floors of the SB1095 and UHC202HD will be suitable for now for upgrading with better low noise input antennas, filters and possibly extremely or ultra-low noise amps.

      I do want a faster sampling rate sound card system... though above 384kHz seems expensive for now. So thinking the Sound BlasterX G6 will be the next best for now to get a real time 192kHz range.

      Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzers for the largest bandwidth scans to identify signals that will be better to leave to the SDR's for 200kHz on up detection/monitoring work. Thinking more focus around 400 to 850MHz will be smart... though I do wonder about stealth camouflaged regions also.

      I did make an order for the E-Field Probe Antenna, Active Mini-Whip Antenna, recommend MEMS and Knowles transducers related parts.

      Though the knowles transducer is backordered.

      I also ordered some more parts to make a stand alone tinySA with a touch screen since looks like might be able to get that down to ~-120dBm... and eventually up to 4.4GHz looks like. 2GHz is do able now... though not quite standalone with touch screen last I read.

      At least looks like the NanoVNA 2 might be able to get up to 4.4GHz... so thinking will be able to without having to input into a USB sound card with a low noise floor.

  3. More Mini-3 Bat Detector tear down photos of progress and new exciting DEW Detection system, SDRSpectrumAnalyzer.


    I highly recommend you download and read all the supporting documents, then install on your computer and start detecting sooner than later. Spread the word. I'm going to post the SDRSpectrumAnalyzer as a main post for February.

  4. Cost effective bat detector from Franzis that can be customized

    How to customize the transducer to a MEMS sensor and more , note needs to be translated from German. I'll try to post the translated PDF once I can connect to Google Drive.

    1. Here's the reference to the above noted PDF translated and the Bat Detector (Ultrasonic RDF use also) folder: Bat Detector

      Also, see the Intelligent Bat Detector new Instructable and comments sections for a reply from Dodotronic's detailing his observations for MEMS and transducer where he noted the "SPH0611LR5H doesn't go at high frequencies as SPU0410LR5H, moreover it is more senitive in the range around 50kHz than FG-23629-P16 but this one has a more flat frequency response."


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