Noticed Oscillations On Me, Decided to Collect Data Now Have Some Systems Running

I'll update this later in regards to formating, however I wanted to get this data down as I woke up with a mild ringing in my ears and some sort of oscillation on my head/ears/perimeter as well as music that was playing earlier in the day quietly in a distance.  I do usually notice some sort of French Woodsman from Maine Tourettes like behaviors with the voices in my perimeter in crickets or more the aether perimeter.  I also notice more assaults and blame before I wake in the morning too as I did notice that before waking and my dream was I was sleaping in the road in front of my house before the driveway.  Back to the sounds... the source may be a wall at times.  May be a perimeter object like the window.  May be in a point in the airspace around me.  Sometimes they get closer to and in my head... usually when I am resting.

I then had a scratchy throat and voices in my head and perimeter and I was replying on more than one instance to stop and they/it did. Though as soon as the scratchy throat stopped I got acid reflux and coughing.  This went back and forth until I decided to get up.  Gargle and hack out whatever mucus has secreted in my throat from the time period.  I also urinated to dry myself out more to reduce the acid reflux potential.

Then the oscillations weren't much different... maybe whomever is assaulting me is trying to make me lose my voice or get sick or something.

I then decided, I'll the collect some data.  I downloaded the latest Spectrum Lab 2.91 b12, though looks like when installed is V2.92 b02.  I plugged in the Microsoft Lifecam and Windows 7 Pro updated the Lifecam drivers.

I recorded some audio spectra.  I also took out the MINI-3 BAT DETECTOR and recorded some video.  This data is posted here:

Currently, I am only noticing my left spermatic cord oscillating.  I did cough while typing this once.  I also just had a strange like shot in my right neck that had a pinpoint tingling effect. 

I'm thinking the source is what gave my parents cancer and was harrasing them.  I want to say the source is in Berrien County, though I have noticed anywhere I go and strangely when I go to Ottawa County... Holland City in particular I tend to have more anal, testicular assaults, i.e. oscillations, pain, looseness, wet/moist groin area.

For some reason now my left spermatic cord is the assualt target rather consistently.  My throat to a lesser extent.

I am amazed at the Ultrasound I just collected.  The computer sound is one thing... the sounds around my head and neck is intense and disturbing, not only alarming!

Just woke up.  1:27PM 10/02/2017 edit:  I'm not going to change the above txt I wrote down.  After I logged the information above... had maybe one scratchy throat incident, cough, little chest or sternum pain more-so and until I fell asleep I'm guessing left spermatic cord/testicle oscillations as well as a humming or buzzing in my head or perimeter that I could hear and feel kind of like pressure slightly on my head. 

OK, I did make some paper notes last night before I went to sleep too because I shut my computer off.  Of the three voices I usually hear, I forgot to include the Polish? girl talking and mocking people which to me sounds like they have to be on meth or some stimulant and depressant amnesic or something to act that low life form.  Seems there are always three voices and when not, they're committing assaults (MCL 750.377a, 18 USC 113, (emf poisoning per 18 USC 1111) usually on me... though I guess my perimeter also if not me.  I also noted that maybe Realtors that are hostile taking over or maintaining their hostile terrorist (18 USC 2331/2332a with MCL 750.200h&i, 750.224a unreasonable use, 750.543p devices felonious intent acts) taken over themselves or previous generations.  I speculate international terrorists we have been at war with in the past (including their countries mafias, militias, P.O.W.'s and camps we hosted P.O.W.s as well as descent), organized criminal syndicates or anarchist (strange how that law was taken off the MCL in the 80's), as well as potential domestic continuing criminal enterprises (RICO's (18 USC 96), mafias, crime gangs, malicious intent official government trying to compound and conceal their gross frauds and cheats office neglect of duties pander and trafficking operations up to and including crime and victim manufacturing operations that also serial kill and mass murder unreasonably, etc.).   So back to the Realtor topic... in the past I've read that the "Woody Norris" hypersonic sound and and was used for marketing and advertising including even in "For Sale" signs.  Not only in Walmart for loss mitigation or other uses.  My guess is that hostile malicious Realtors or their cohorts can use the unidirectional heterodyne ( speaker, bi-neural beats ( or RF (think any range of EMS/EMF if the oscillator is accurate down to the Hz level) heterodyne effect with neural lynguistic programming (NLP), mesmerizing, hypnosis or some sort of brain washing, cult programming and mind control (18 U.S.C. §§ 2421–2424) along with torture if not worse assaults with intent to maim (MCL 750.86), murder and serial kill (26 USC 540B).  If at the least if a Realtor or communist cult, they would want to drive the housing market down, drive people away for their pedos or whomever is desensitized to molest and assault vulnerable babies up to adults and whatever.  Anyhow, that is what is on my mind and I wrote down to log.  I also wrote that the voice I heard when I woke up last night sounded like Ted Cruz.  Strange also is I had thoughts and sounds that were eluding to satanism and he's satanic or something which I'm not sure that is valid.  He does have a mother from Cuba I think if I recall correct that was a math major or something like that. Not sure if there is a link to Cuba, him or his copy cats that are satanic, and/or him dropping out of the presidential race in Indiana?  I do wonder if the old Base Realignment Closure (BRAC) sites ( are being used maliciously. 

Kind of a side note I thought prior to editing, or really making the addition.  Would be nice if these sites had Word Formatting options so you can track changes for better change control of document changes. I should read up on Azure and see if there are other options to log this stuff like Wordpress where I can have more elaborate formatting.  I'm guessing I can though need to use the HTML option to compose or imbed the thread in another site.


  1. Before I forget... I didn't detail that my laptop was running on batteries alone. Lenovo X200 Intel Core 2 DUO CPU P8600 2.40 Ghz 4GB RAM 64bit Windows 7 Pro SP1 system. I'll try to read into the specifications of the Lifecam microphone and MINI-3 BAT DETECTOR. I didn't realize that my processor is 2.4 Ghz. I wonder if operating at that frequency would make surveillance on this system easier without even hacking the firmware or software to intercept motherboard signals. Neat... that would be smart if not for malicious or illegal use. I'm hoping I don't just have "good cop" and "bad cop" acts after all my complaints doing surveillance around my perimeter. I sure do miss USDA, DHHS, DEA and FDA regulated industry. This DOD/DOJ/DHS regulated industry is a nightmare every day and night. Talk about no way six or lean sigma operations. Seems other than a few chest stuns on my sternum and randomly on my body (thigh, neck, arms) I haven't had as many issues since I woke up. Man, last night was not good.

    1. I should add missing working in DOE, OSHA and DOT regulated industry to the above also.

    2. Blogged a little on:

      Check out Hackaday also.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I probably shouldn't post these yet... however, after dinner (and after reviewing videos I'm like wow post insulin spike product) I decided to do a little more video taping/digital creations to practice using the Lifecam again. I do already see a few things I should do to keep the camera focused more, use a screen recorder, try to speak about what I am talking about with the camera focused on the object of discussion, not video create after dinner and oh well... here we go. Feel free to comment regarding any suggestions. I'm more a project manager, producer or leader when comes to events and not the camera man or boom operator or sound guy.

    Here are the clips to debut on video my detection systems albeit rather prematurely (I figure if I am getting mind and body assaulted again... I can):

    Note that as with the above or other Google Drive link(s)... the other videos are available to anyone with a link to view in the folder they are located in.

    I didn't bother editing the video or audio yet and will get to that some other time. I'm exhausted from last night and I think some of the signals must be causing static, noise, interference and jamming of my speech and brainwaves. I hope there isn't drugs in my food I;m sourcing. I should probably document in a log also what I eat and drink. I'm off medications other than Dr. Bronners Tea Tree Oil soap with my special 50/50 water dilution, then a gamma Vit E complex capsule and some extra virgin olive oil added (I forget the amount, maybe a tbsp or two) in a foam soap dispenser. Damn... watching the video is like I have a head injury or something and I'm baked. HHhmmm... I probably have to work on retraining my presentation skills also post interstate domestic violence gang stalking, GSW, head injury and human trafficking. I think my body functions are also being assaulted as the source of the jamming signals seem to like to talk through my gas and maybe even cause more bloating or natural body effects... especially when I eat. I do recall they used to make me choke and make malicious unhealthy suggestions that are not only the perverted acts. Seems the source agonizes everything to placate on existing environmental condition in malicious assault ways.

  4. In regards to the Playback Model PB8/TSJ I was thinking I should take some before pictures that would be neat to show how disgusting something is and can be re-used, restored and if anything recycled for parts.

    This is the first of the series of photos. My thought with this photo is to resize and used the measured dimension to recreate:

    I'm thinking the speaker will have to be replaced also. Tuner belt string seems to still work and needs to be cleaned. I'll have to clean then test the connections throughout the system before I turn on (power supply system for sure). I was also thinking I could salvage the carbon rods in the D cell batteries also.

    On more than one occasion when I was younger I used them for electrolysis experiments making gases, e.g. hydrogen and oxygen from water. Now days I can buy acid and use zinc or something if I want hydrogen gas (balloon station experiments for RDF). Other than neat electrochemistry experiments that I don't have time for... I was thinking placing the carbon rods in a blender and powdering for paint material on antennas or devices. I've been pondering and need to research the properties of carbon and carbon fiber as I wonder if there are any value added applications in RF Engineering. I was also thinking making some ferrite also at the time I do that since may be cheaper than purchasing for larger applications.


    1. I did take two photos that are the last two of the playback radio series of some materials I salvaged that were around for some antennas. I may need a insulator spray for the wire as I notice some dents. Would be interesting to measure the wire on the coil also. The copper pipe should be useful for a QFH, super J-pole or maybe bihelix and spiral conical. I have some more house wiring elsewhere and the aluminum 6" tube should be able to be smoothed out and used as a loop antenna. I'm almost thinking I can use the copper pipe for a discone also and if not... the house wiring should work. I did find some copper shim stock that should work also though is only about 4" wide and 12" long. Maybe for the helix antennas base impedance matching strip or smaller antennas reflectors... a horn for the radar detector?

    2. Oh, I could use the material technically for balun/inductors and maybe the copper for capacitors/hairpins. Thinking to restore some airgap capacitors I found as well as maybe trying to make from scratch from scrap aluminum or other material. Unless I have a really big antenna, I should need really high wattage parts since I am only receiving for now. Therefore, I am thinking variable capacitors and inductors salvaged or bought are the way to go.

  5. HHHmmm... woke up to crickets in my head sound and they're definitely outside loud as well as the garbage man coming through which is really loud with what I call "thought amplification" being relayed through the natural sound of the garbage truck.

    Last night I did plug in the Nooelec NESDR Smart and in Spektrum the SDR seemed to have a better profile of defined peaks and not interference fringes. I have to read some more in regards to this being like I am used to for determining path length. I didn't record as I was reading news articles and watching videos on the Las Vegas incident... plus blogging. I may not be thinking the sharpest at the moment. I did just wake up. I did notice as I was waking an acid reflux vomit sensation that seemed to start with some sort of oscillation where I almost want to record the ultrasound by my pillow to see if I notice anything. This morning sound, mind and body assault wasn't so intense so I am going to be lazy as long as the trajectory keeps getting less. Again, there was three voices with one being female on ecstacy or something mocking someone I know wrong though, someone male voice acting like they're a marine and the deeper voice that seems to be localized on the south wall that sounds like am older person heroin junkie senile like I noted above... maybe British... though I am going to guess Dutch/Latino/German/Polish... maybe Italian though doesn't seem to have the accent. I'm doubting U.S. for sure... more likely Roman or Soviet something. I just put my head by my pillow and don't notice anything, therefore, I am not going to record sound there.

    I was thinking like a DVR or home surveillance system that records video all day long... I probably should set up a computer with ContaCam or something similar and record 24-7-365. Last winter that was one of my plans and I modified a UPS to be able to be charged using 12V since the system I have is 24V with x2 12V batteries. I was planning that system for mobile use so I had power when the vehicle is not on for the dash cam and other devices I also have a heavier duty version that is using an isolator with the alternator and a pure sine wave inverter that is more for the truck that will be part of the truck restoration project with walk through modification with recessed gap spacer role bar with ports for RDF antennas, antennas and solar cell wiring. That inverter and battery system is being tested in the farm building for now. :-|) I did find I can't use for the 9A 120V chainsaw and heating plate for cooking. I assume I won't be able to use for the 15-20A Mig welder also. I'll need a larger wattage inverter or integrate a generator since the generator will be more fuel efficient. To bad the Honda 1000W generator I had was stolen in Utah.

    Kind of a tangent there though is great to be able to start working on projects ahead of schedule.

    I was thinking this morning I need to take out the vehicle radar detector and get that powered up to see if that detects anything. First, I need to spec it out. I have another with a melted case in the truck that I will hack into since already in rougher shape... at least I think I still have it.

    Also, I almost forgot, when I was using the Nooelec SDR in SDR#... either SDR# newer version auto changes settings and isn't working so well, I need better antennas (which I do for sure) or something got strange after I did the post. I notice in that the description under the video will stay what the previous video is when I select another video to watch that is suggested on the right hand side list. That doesn't happen when I click the link. Not sure if new since I added Python or something else unrelated altogether. I do notice I need an FM filter. I did order with the SDR.

  6. Was suggested that I simplify the detection and defense blogs for the laymen. I may be a little over scientific for some. Great call and thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking I need more of a webpage layout to do so so I just started a site which seems the easiest Free method to do so. I can develop a more elaborate website with sites looks like... still since this is the blog site... I can still incorporate this site into that if I want to. For now:

    Objective: Start new emf detection site

    Goal: Keep dew emf and charge detection information in procedure format as simple as I can remember to for laymen

    Mission: Start the site with goals in mind.

  7. Downloaded the manual for the vehicle radar system I have that I've never even used before. Bought it to detect signals before I was armed robbed (~2012-2013 though may have been back in 2009 I'm thinking) in Allegan and never even used.

    Whistler XTR-558 Specification:
    Laser Wavelength:
    905 ± 50 nanometers (nm)
    Radar Frequencies:
    10.500 - 10.550 GHz (X Band)
    24.050 - 24.250 GHz (K Band )
    33.400 - 36.000 GHz (Ka Superwideband)
    Operating Temperature Range:-10 C to +70 C
    (+14 F to +158 F)
    Power Requirements:
    Operational 12 to 15 volts DC, 250mA nominal
    Vehicle Battery Saver, 30mA nominal.

    I have another (I think at least) radar detector that has a melted case that I used in my truck and VW Jetta I used to have. That is in the truck I am thinking and not here. I'll spec that out once I find. I prefer modification into that one for discrimination outputs (basically figure there is a converter in the system already that is a downconverter for sound of spec band and intensity and an up converter for display in visible range though not sure if band and intensity... I guess intensity at least though probably doesn't have great narrow bandwidth) first, though may do to the above eventually once I get situated to do some electronics projects after some practice with some soldering projects are already have lined up, i.e. 5V and 12V dual power supply for the frequency generator and display of the modified UPS.

    Interesting reading is there are Radar Detector Detectors that detect the local oscillator in the Radar Detector. Strangely with an FCC Ham License I'll have to read as I may be able to transmit in this range and can have scanners too. Not that I am going to, still is an interesting note that I found in this edition of Secret CB volume 5 pgs. 72-73.

    Here is another issue with a reference to jamming, though I am only referencing because I find this periodical interesting for modifications to radios and I found searching for the above link.

    This link is an interesting reference:

    1. Interesting side note is I picked up an Acoustic Research (AR) AWS53 Wireless Transmitter that noted was for 900MHz, has three channels via a switch and RCA Stereo inputs from the Goodwill. There wasn't a power supply that came with the unit and I don't have the power supply adapter kit with me though I found the Whistler Radar detector power supply is the same barrel plug. HHhmmm... maybe I can get some test data from that after all.

    2. Cut the 12V car adapter for the Whistler XTR-558 and soldered on a male barrel plug (5.5mm O.D. - 2.5mm I.D.) so I can use the 12V DC 120VAC wall adapters. I did a heat shrink tube over also to look nice.

      The AWS53 specs out at WFM Channel 1 - ~912Mhz, Channel 2 - ~912.5Mhz and Channel 3 - ~913Mhz.

      The Whistler XTR-558 powers on and is working. I need to read into that more and will figure out how I want that set up. Seems a radome with a dish rotating horizontal would be correct for that. Maybe a horn on the end of the actual detector instead of what looks like a fisheye lense. That horn would be pointed at the dish with inside the horn being the focal point. I don't see the point of a trough without a different antenna unless I cut the top and bottom of the fisheye lens off maybe or block. Actually the back looks more parabolic on one lens and circular on the other. I guess the smaller would be for the laser and the larger for the microwaves. HHhmmm... maybe a parabolic trough would be better... especially a parabolic curved in the shape of the lens trough. Will be interesting if I can find a schematic and determine discrimination outputs to use for processing and further modifications to use as a more advanced receiver. Nice to have the X, K and Ka band range now for detection as well as the 905nm+/-50nm.

      I also have the hot lens removed from the C920 mounted in the aluminum enclosure with a SLR adapter using the enclosure body C/CS mount to Minolta lens mount. I didn't quite get to adapting the C920 auto focus yet for use with auto focus lenses as I need to determine the lens specifications for auto focus and C920 specifications for auto focus to make the circuit to balance the two ranges out. I never did determine what the full range of the C920 lens without the hot lens is. I think it can go into UV also, not sure how far though like with IR. So somewhere in the range of IR-VIS-UV. I'll have to get a calibration standard and see what the histogram looks like I'm thinking off hand.

      So I'm getting close to do an inventory of the range gap I have with detection. My goal is to be able to detect from DC, 0.001Hz to Cosmic radiation and my guess is particles would be the highest frequency though I am guessing since I assume particles condense at higher than cosmic frequencies. Above cosmic radiation seems taboo or not well disclosed. I may be wrong in my thinking though. Back to AC, I did read in a book on SDR that were making negative Hz measurements also. I have to read more into this since seems like a phase thing to me, though may be more than phase. Man, not only detecting the range; discriminating the waveform, phase, polarity (vertical, horizontal, circular left/right, eliptical left/right and other may exist I'm thinking), modulation (AM, FM, SSB, LSB, USB, DSB, CW, PW, pulse phase, pulse polarity, and others), wave or pulse encoding and multiplexing (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, GSM, and others). Man, there is a lot to look at and discriminate.

    3. I looked back at the radar detector and had the vision (like I almost thought with a vertical trough attached to the horizontal before though was thinking polarity like some radars at airports or on ships) to have a larger vertical area to focus or primarily to focus on the laser. I'm thinking can design to primarily focus the vertical trough to the laser and the horizontal to the radar detector. Interesting focus project... pun intended. :-|)

  8. This post is dedicated to lasers primarily as I went off topic on "Wood's Lamp" for detecting skin conditions. Then diathermy using wireless devices remotely from a distance as well as liquid and solid ionization issues with nonionization radiation that I mentioned briefly on the hackaday link I have on the somewhere around the latest post for this time blog.

    So, I was thinking... what is the smallest lasers that are on the market and I was wondering before what frequencies can penetrate environmental conditions, boundary conditions, internal conditions and then go right through the target and make microscopic holes. I was also thinking not only the holes... what can cause ionization to cause mutations of tissues to wireless micro disease instead of surgery. Basically for malicious intent operations no matter how cute, sweet and inocent you or they want to sugar coat their assault with intent to maim, murder and serial kill operations for recreation I'm thinking typically.

    So, I found this site with some great references as a gentleman had already asked the question:

    "Using a single mode laser and a microscopic objective, it is possible to realize a beam spot with a minimal diameter of half the wavelength.

    However, this is not practical for most applications. The lenses may be damaged by the laser itself or by particles and gasses emitted from the processed material.

    The means to prevent the damage depends on your application. Finally, the reachable beam diameter depends on your application."

    "For a fiber laser, smallest beam diameter is related with output fiber diameter and optical design such as delivery cable, collimating lens, cutting head..etc It is better to give some information about process ( cutting welding..etc) or laser power. I can tell you the achiaved smallest diameter then."

    That must mean that a laser can now get down actaully to half the wavelength of the emitter. Wow, no wonder my hair falls out and I have strange spots that are different at times. Man... if they are highly accurate then my theory regarding the oscillator being highly accurate would mean that not only the small size, the extremely narrow bandwidth. Now, the most accurate oscillators are ( isn't as much help though has interesting links, there used to be another wikipedia link I haven't found yet though like this link: which doesn't have the latest Oven Oven Controlled Oscillator):

    The Strontium Clock: Naturally consistent vibrational frequency (for strontium its about 430 trillion times per second) (there isn't data though) (still, not really the site I recall) (like I noted above) (like I've been noting) (still not what I was looking for, though there is accuracy data... Secondary representations of the second section is almost there... so getting closer) (this is the one).

    1. Therefore:
      Crystal oscillator (XO): 10^−5 to 10^−4 10-20 PPM
      Temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO): 10^−6 2-5 PPM
      Microcomputer compensated crystal oscillator (MCXO): 10^−8 to 10^−7 1-3 PPM
      Oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO): 5 - 10 MHz 2 x 10^−8
      15 to 100 MHz 5 x 10^−7
      Rubidium atomic frequency standard (RbXO): 10^−9
      Caesium atomic frequency standard: 10^−12 to 10^−11
      Global Positioning System (GPS): 4 * 10^−8 to 10^−11

      Therefore, looks like we can get relatively accurate with LFO's and even with the GPS which if you can synchronize without transmission error or some sort of error checking wouldn't be so bad compared to hardware space required. Hydrogen and Caesium are rackmount and really expensive. Rubidium is expensive and not as large.

      MCMO looks like the way to go for sub Hertz. Not quite nano hertz (1x10^-9) though is about 10 to 100 nano hertz. Not that bad. TXCO is micro hertz (1x10^-6). The aging is noted above in PPM.

      So, a laser in the nanometer range can get down to the Hertz in accuracy easily.

      Wow, sub Hz resolution scanning spectroscopy in IR-Vis-UV and other ranges.

      Imagine what the world doesn't see in regards to absorption and transmission.

      OK... so basically... there could be all sorts of stuff going on that Jesus Christ would barely notice unless he is really scientific, engineering and material science religiously Christian not getting killed by the Romans and Jews or whomever acts worse not liking him for being pro life and pro truth.


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