
Showing posts from October, 2017

Valley Fever, Spectrum Lab v2.91 and Mini-3 Bat Detector Scans 10192017


Antenna Theory CONSTANTINE A. BALANIS Arizona State University - ppt video online download

Antenna Theory CONSTANTINE A. BALANIS Arizona State University - ppt video online download

Antennas Presentation

Antennas  slideshow worth checking out.  Looking into fractal spiral conical antennas as I've been working on making a conical antenna or two for wider frequency range coverage and to boost my 2.4Ghz WiFi connection.

Detection Documented 2017 10 02 05 21 26

See also the screenshot images collected using Spectrum Lab v2.92b2 and the MS Lifecam Studio I acquired along with the Mini-3 Bat Detector video of this incident:

Detection Documented 2017 10 02 05 30 07


Assault Detection Documented 2017 10 02 05 27 24


Noticed Oscillations On Me, Decided to Collect Data Now Have Some Systems Running

I'll update this later in regards to formating, however I wanted to get this data down as I woke up with a mild ringing in my ears and some sort of oscillation on my head/ears/perimeter as well as music that was playing earlier in the day quietly in a distance.  I do usually notice some sort of French Woodsman from Maine Tourettes like behaviors with the voices in my perimeter in crickets or more the aether perimeter.  I also notice more assaults and blame before I wake in the morning too as I did notice that before waking and my dream was I was sleaping in the road in front of my house before the driveway.  Back to the sounds... the source may be a wall at times.  May be a perimeter object like the window.  May be in a point in the airspace around me.  Sometimes they get closer to and in my head... usually when I am resting. I then had a scratchy throat and voices in my head and perimeter and I was replying on more than one instance to stop and they/it d...