Antenna Theory CONSTANTINE A. BALANIS Arizona State University - ppt video online download

Antenna Theory CONSTANTINE A. BALANIS Arizona State University - ppt video online download


  1. I broke down and did it... I increased the debt for the U.S. and the World to learn and teach about SDR's, heterdyne radios, superheterodyne radios, for DEW detection. :-) Ok, technically, I ordered the HackRF, AM Filter, (have FM filter), 0.5PPM TXCO for the v1.3a HamItUp I already have, newest that goes down to 300Hz HamItUpPlus Upconverter, a NARDA ~2 to 20Ghz Directional Coupler and some other components. I even picked up some solar cells and a 16 sensor Arduino/Rasp Pi kit along with some other vibration sensors. I almost ordered the 4Hz geophone though I think I'm confident with the cheap vibration sensors (piezoelectric disk, strip, SW-420, 801S and I have homemade potential with magnets and wires and stuff), some connectors, PCB from abcfab (great deal on ebay) and Bill Cheeks Scanner Modification Handbook 2 and 3 since 1 and the Ultimate books are available through interlibrary loan.

    I received the Realistic PRO-2006 also from Phoenix with a bunch of modifications that I am not sure about yet and need to study the schematics to understand before I use. I did seem to get the beep to go away finally with a new 9V battery I had to charge twice. I'll see if it last longer now and doesn't go to 0V as was this morning. I need to test the traces out on the circuit to verify everything is working OK. It has a DB25 RS-232 port on the back also and I need to figure out the pinouts to interface to the computer.

    I also looked at the GitHub and am thinking I am going to start programming some Visual Studio 2005 applications since RFExplorer is open source on GitHub like HackRF. Therefore, I downloaded the code and am reviewing the libraries to see what I can do to contribute as would be nice to be able to use the devices in one application versus a bunch of applications and in multiple instances to have a broader bandwidth to view simultaneously.

    I even have some more laser sensors I am going to get together as I pulled out my old electronic kit and forgot I have some IR sensors too as well as UV sensors. That with the GQ Geiger Muller will get me a great range and I'll need to fill in some more from ELF to Cosmic detection. I may be overly ambitious, though will be interesting.

    I also am going to re-visit the Linux, Bash, Grub issues (not only my learning curve) for the Skywave 2.3 pulse audio issue as well as using WiFi USB Adapters that I have with Ubuntu 17.04 and Kali 17.1 as I will use both of those most likely for the range of detectors I have along with Windows 7 Pro.

    I purchased the Pro version of Icecream Screen Recorder also as I think that is a great investment to save me programming time for ~$30 so I can document what I am doing with picture in picture also. I noticed Kali Linux had that so why not to document better... seems like an easier way and is to record what is going on from the cameras and screen at one time.

    VideoPad will be my new video editor along with Audacity if needed.

    I also will have another SR-04 ultrasonic sensors that will bring the the number I have to 4 transducers so I have to look into tuning each to receive a different wave and mixing them as one broader range detector based on their tunable and filterable bandwidth and frequency range.

    Same goes with the vibration sensors for the infrasound range to get below 10-20Hz more accurately.

    The challenge is collecting pressure/vibration (sound/movement) data and RF data also in the lower end range. I'm excited, so hope anyone reading this is also.

  2. I might start working on a custom application also since I found the RFExplorer, HackRF, CubicSDR, SDR#, Spektrum, are opensource on Github so can custom makes applications using their libraries. Man, if could make in Assembly that would make super fast and compact. I'm going to look into C and C++ translators. That would be the best language to use otherwise I'll use VB since I own 2003 and 2005 Enterprise versions if I am going to be lazy and look more Python like. I went off on the programming for the superheterodyne and PRO-2006 systems as I want to be able to interface those signals and found with WiFi USB dongles also I have to do some programming mods in Linux systems.


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