Antennas slideshow worth checking out. Looking into fractal spiral conical antennas as I've been working on making a conical antenna or two for wider frequency range coverage and to boost my 2.4Ghz WiFi connection.
I was looking into the latest and greatest microphones, ultrasound microphones and detecting ultrasound in general more real time spectral analysis since I was thinking about modifying the Mini-3 Bat Detector to perform a more automated sweep versus just turning the variable capacitor. Well, I found this interesting video that's inspired me to add an antenna connector onto the Mini-3 Bat Detector or just invest in one of the Franzis systems this gentleman is using in the video: In regards to sonic range recording and maybe getting into the ultrasonic range... there is this build that has some great info regarding the most cost effective lowest noise mic on the market, the Rode NT1-A Studio mic: If you read into the above videos description link, the authors note the amplifier might be good above 100kHz also. Here is the screenshot from the above video of the schematic noted used: See here for above video reference: In regar...
MISSION : Detection Resources: I'm falling behind on this site. I do want to post some info so I do not forget. I plan on working on this site starting next weekend. As noted on my first successful (I thought I had posted before a test video though didn't seem to take) video post, I purchased two TDS-520 oscilloscopes (a 520 and 520B) in order to be able to detect wider bandwidth at a time, perform a few more critical receiving and transmission bench tests for my DIY Home made hardware and even software tests for the software controlled hardware projects. The 520B is working without any observed issues and passes all self-tests. The 520 CRT isn't working and I still need to troubleshoot the startup issues. Unfortunately the 520 doesn't have a VGA, Serial or Centronics output... only the GPIB output. I purchased and now have a NI PCI-GPIB Interface Adapter 183617J-01 card and I recently created a NI account and downloaded the NI 48...
Generic Procedure for installation of RTL-SDR software on Linux (I used Ubuntu 17.04) and Windows 7 Pro. System : Hardware: Lenovo X200, Generic RTL-SDR R820T2 RTL2832U and Antenna for RTL-SDR Software OS: Multiboot Ubuntu 17.04 and Windows 7 Pro SDR Software: Windows Pothos SDR Environment (CubicSDR, Qprx, GRC), CubicSDR, Qprx, GRC, HDSDR, SDR#, Spectrum Lab, Spektrum Background : The installation of the POTHOS GUI seems to be the easiest way to install all the software (other than SDR# for Windows) you need to get started with using an RTL-SDR device as well as other SDR devices and even more than I know how to use at this time in my study and course work. Update 09/20/2018: I added more references to SDR software I've used, i.e. Spektrum, Spectrum Lab (I used for audio with the Microsoft Lifecam also to correlate sound with SDR signals as...
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