Dacron/Kevlar Ferrite/Mu-Metal/Iron Powder Copper Braid Rope Antenna Idea & Sonic Assault w/bad Hacked Internet Connection Prior to Attempting This Post

As noted in the post title, I was wanting to get this idea I have that may be novel of an antenna material that is similar to those found in the UK/Australia that are Kevlar Copper Braid material with an outer environment shielding coating as well as the Copper Braid material that has a Dacron rope material inside the copper braid. 

These two are already on the market and can be purchased.

I've been trying to post this idea online on hackaday.com and then on this blogger.com site though have been experiencing the sonic assaults on my perimeter anything that oscillates (basically anything that can move) with most of the talking through an exhaust fan I have in the basement to dry the basement out from leaking as we had rain where the previous rain still left the basement wet and I've been cleaning that up and recovering from the Valley Fever post PRO-2006 receipt.

So, my idea I wanted to get documented to the public is using either specific grades of Ferrite since there are more than one type... so using any known variants of Ferrite or Mu-Metal or graphite since the idea came about looking at the fiber glass antenna and wondering what the dye is and how the dye will effect the signal maybe lower the frequency response SWR or Iron Powder.

This would be coated on the kevlar/dacron/nylon/paracord rope with studies having to be performed to observe performance of not only signal... rope integrity performance as well due to corrosive effects of the materials if not mechanical wear as well as changes in mechanical performance of the rope/copper braid/coating combination.

Strangely, as soon as I called the first number to XFinity On Demand (which wasn't that number since 1-800-XFINITY isn't for on demand service) my connection started working again and the different sonic assault voices that I can observe and record though they don't playback correctly due to latency, pulse differences in frequency or sampling rates or something I don't understand yet... got quiet and I assume were listening to my cell phone conversation with XFINITY support.  I then called 1-855-757-7372 explained the situation and was referred to 1-866-489-0919 for the on demand pass or pre-paid (I forget at the moment as I am under distress with I think some induced coupling to my left shin area like they're kicking me in the shin or something shin splint related that I never have until recently since receipt of the PRO-2006 Scanner).

All of the customer service representatives were great and for some reason after making the first call, I have had no issues connecting and can play even youtube.com videos smoothly (or at least when I last tried). 

I was trying to download my www.edX.org class video which I am never able to for some reason.  I've always had connectivity issues and same goes with the Japanese course also other than I've been able to watch the first video with the course in Japanese.  I'm wondering if the sonic assault group hacking me and my network (family, friends and whomever I've associated with and I worry multiple degrees of freedom away too) to death is mad because the course is Chinese.  I was also "terminated" from Perrigo when my V.P. and Senior V.P. were in China too which happened to be around the time Mike Hall died who was an Electrical (??) Engineer (EE) graduate from MTU and AKPsi brother. 

I just resumed the download and seems to be fine (TSGUP3EX2015-V000100_DTH.mp4).  From: https://d2f1egay8yehza.cloudfront.net/TSGUP3EX/TSGUP3EX2015-V000100_DTH.mp4

Strangely, I guess the hackers performing the sonic assaults and murders like me to be in debt, broke and spending online more-so... so I was able to get online to ebay.com to see about an offer I made on a TM 5006 with a multimeter and power supply for use with the CG 5001 that picked up at the GVSU Surplus Store that I really didn't want to hack the power supply and GPIB so make three separate power supplies and other connectors as I still need to practice soldering skills.  The CG 5001 takes up three spaces in the TM 5006.  Looks like the multimeter and power supply units each take one space in the TM 5006.  So looks like I'll have an open space.  The TM 5006 is a power supply GPIB interface for certain Tektronix devices.  Plus the TM 5006 is rack mount so I am definitely acquiring a bunch of props if I can't get these items working.  :-|)

I may have to work on my filming and video editing skills if I can't work on the technical devices of which I prefer the technical work though the duress and torture is the worst when I get the body and mind assaults... the spirit assaults don't seem so bad and technically they are a mind assault too as they assault the emotions with malicious intent to destroy personality and property if not worse serious bodily harm and really murder since meets the definition of poisoning per 18 USC 1111. 

I also was bidding on a set of 1 Frequency Generator and 2 Frequency Counter from B&K on shopgoodwill.com that I lost due to connectivity issues that went for a great deal if working.

More seriously, if the assaults aren't so physically damaging... I may be able to recover more mentally and have some better equipment to collect evidence and perform maintenance on my own with... not only using SDR equipment... using analog digital equipment that is older and easier to repair versus the micro SMD components that require a microscope and really steady hands and skills I don't have yet if even able to with the assaults 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year for years now.

I also believe USAF personnel are being targeted, as well as US Marines as well as US Senators as I noticed in the news on Comcast when trying to find the XFINITY number that miraculously appeared (yeah... I'm sure the sonic assault hackers are bragging and showing off), and remote controlled if not tortured, brain washed, mind controlled and cult programmed to do acts that are malicious since the hackers seem to like to create crime to justify manufacturing of arguments for their continuing criminal enterprises of official looking offices neglect of duties, misleading via criminal seduction, coercion, manipulation, intimidation, bribery and extortion racketeering and malicious destruction of personality, property, persons, people groups, communities, economies and societies that are not criminal in intent, will, wish, want or even knowing how to be since I feel most do not intend to act so low life mafia or Axis State WWII (P.O.W. or not) or other organize crime gang worse behaviours, acts and events. 


  1. I wonder if the NSA Annex at Lackland or other stations that are only supposed to listen are the culprits to cause the brain washing, cult programming, mind control and crime sprees behaviors, acts and events so to create political attorney rackets cases that are not required for survival of any society that is civil. Even the military does not require the cases. More funding needs to go into Health, Safety and General Welfare and Well Being of the U.S. Jurisdiction to be better role models for the World. That is why we are falling behind in performance metrics. The U.S. let to many criminals mafias, enemies of the state and undesirables into official roles... including mental ill sexual deviants and assault murderer profile types. Those people need to be lethal force prosecuted immediately as they are an imminent threat to anything living in the World.

  2. I forgot to note that the person that went missing from south west Michigan was found dead also and the news shows that her husband murdered her and buried her in the Allegan State Game area. I doubt he did that. I'm sure some organize criminal syndicate of anarchists causing crime cause the whole situation to occur if not murdered him also as a ritualistic terrorist cult religious crime to see if they can get away with for a thrill. Maybe even all remote controlled too. Why the role playing shoot up games? Like flight simulators... there is other technology on the market that isn't so well disclosed I am confident of being in existence with some... even if only like NLP with cattle prodding torture to co-operate.

  3. Trying to resume the class and now for some reason today the Google Translation isn't working.

  4. OK, now after I typed the above... the Google Translate is working for the Electromagnetism course (TsinghuaX: UPhys3x). Go figure... like John Williams of lonestarconsultinginc.com noted, we really have to keep a log and share that information also and I believe online is the best media or recorded phone conversations to assure the issues are disclosed to the most pertinent able to serve and correct and prevent the issues operations agents.


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