5G Food for Directed Energy Weapon SIGINT/RADINT/RINT/ES/TS EW Civillian Jurisdiction Thought

Some day's I wonder that the Latin American and rest of the Third World has influenced the U.S. so much that our Law Enforcement, Health Care and Retail Operations have turned into a paramilitary guerrilla warfare mafia gang land.  All a big Continuing Criminal Enterprise now that violates 21 USC 848 on a daily basis with a reckless endangerment, take the bribe or be slow killed ways and means in a crude one generation suicidal attempt at advanced domesticated civil society that the primate predators of inbreeds or invalids murderers gangs stole, with their MCL 750.200h&i, 750.224a and 750.543p sensory overload attention deficient and worse poisonous ways to make people believe they were telling the truth, from the previous generation that was using to be civil. 

Then I find conclusive evidence that is more than disturbing the peace, burdenous to society in general (at least first World legal when iterating through all the Constitutional, Statutory and Administrative Laws Combined to measure using the scales of justice).

Well, then there's the new 5G on the horizon... pun intended:

Think LRAD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Range_Acoustic_Device) with Ultrasounic methods, Sound Blasters that are over PEP and SAR limits and not just acoustic hailing devices (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_hailing_device) or whatever the Cuban Embassy U.S. Diplomats and their families as well as others bombarded with the range of microwaves or lasers deal or dealt with (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embassy_of_the_United_States,_Havana and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_F._Matlock_Jr.).
I figure when doing the math; that the FCC reviewed (https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-347449A1.pdf) and approved 5G frequencies so that when some of those, as well as other WiFi, Cell Phone, WiMax, etc., are phased synchronized, mixed and combined equal the 95Ghz.
95Ghz is the active denial frequency and one of the nervous system emissions of the human body that is not well disclosed. the 95GHz and I think other GHz ranges are more directly connected with the human body though not well disclosed. Like permanent damage can occur even with the 95Ghz system if over exposed or used incorrectly. I only found on GBPPR Zine #62 ( https://www.scribd.com/document/82073238/GBPPR-Zine-Issue-62) noting 95Ghz and one other site referencing a German ( "Bembenek P: Akupunktur und bio-resonanz (in German), CO’MED Nr. 6:50, 1998" article of reference. ) paper I haven't been able to find yet: http://ieminstitute.org/_Resources/Articles/HEFmesurementRubik.html

Touch and other sensations can be performed remotely with sub-sonic and sonic range and I suspect ultrasonic range also. Rasmussen's et.al. work goes into the subsonic and sonic details a little: http://www.donmar.com/Tech/VIBRATION-BODY.pdf
Here are some new to me interesting articles found while searching: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1503/1503.05944.pdf http://www.dtic.mil/get-tr-doc/pdf?AD=ADA420638 Seems there are PEL and SAR limit issues that can be manipulated that are not well disclosed also with all the other wireless potential interactions where malicious operators can take advantage of. Think focal point size, energy, power, bandwidth purity, frequency hopping including combinations, duty cycle, time of exposure, etc. Seems there are many variables left out of the equations. Definitely not NIST or DOC scientists working on the issues. Below is a post I made on a recent Dr Horton's Youtube Channel that is interesting regarding a few topics, granted... as most TI's... we're not the best at some things for sure. Have you recorded the IR? I haven't yet, though have a Logitech C920 I took the hot lens off and modified with a SLR mount case ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nESATVNA33o ) though haven't constructed the turret system I want to use with the broad dynamic range detectors for directional finding. Still working on the broader bandwidth lower noise floor spectrum data logging system with the TDS family of oscilloscopes I acquired to practice on so I don't blow up high dollar systems while learning. I am going to try repairing a ~$39 NI GPIB-USB-HS Interface Adapter to see how that works. I am thinking to use GPIB to RJ-45 since can connect with COTS routers easier. There is an interesting KISS-488 device (https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/kiss-488-gpib-webserver-anybody-used-one/) by SteveHX also that is made in the U.S. worth checking out. You can contact him directly to order versus eBay and pay via paypal. Interesting the tekscopes@groups.io posts yesterday and today were rather catered to the interest with calibration to NIST or traceable standards also so to make sure the equipment is calibrated to national standards when detecting. That will be more challenging for COTS systems with people on a being targeted to be a victim by those perpetrators trying to make the victims broke, homeless, maimed and murdered budget.
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