Directed Energy Weapons Tongue Injury Caused by Militant War Criminals when driving south on I-96 south of Covert

Tongue Injury:

I recently noticed a sharp pain when driving south of covert and usually my oral cavity in general heals in two or three days.

Post gun shot wound... I have white hairs and maybe heal a little slower, though I'm confident there is something remote sensing and furthermore transmitting to cause this mutilation in a perverted looking malicious art form. 

Use your imagination what that looks like.  I just had my checkup two months back also and that wasn't there.  I used a cue tip with a little hydrogen peroxide to inflame and see what happens.  I wonder what caused this?

This happened I think since posting on Dr. Horton's site about a week ago regarding the details of frequencies related to sound, body and mind assaults recently.  See below the picture regarding what I posted as may be something else noted.

Reminds me of the anus mutilation when I drove out to Colorado last year that has left scars.  That happened I think because they didn't want to me go out around Aurora or Denver or University of Nebraska campus to detail my experiences.  Now on my tongue???

Ray Legg, They can do touch with sub-sonic and sonic range and I suspect ultrasonic range also. Rasmussens work goes into the subsonic and sonic details a little: Also, the 95GHz and I think other GHz ranges are more directly connected with the human body though not well disclosed. Like permanent damage can occur even with the 95Ghz system if over exposed or used incorrectly. I only found on GBPPR noting 95Ghz and one other site referencing a German ( "Bembenek P: Akupunktur und bio-resonanz (in German), CO’MED Nr. 6:50, 1998" article of reference. ) paper I haven't been able to find yet: Here are some new to me interesting articles found while searching: Seems there are PEL and SAR limit issues that can be manipulated that are not well disclosed also with all the other wireless potential interactions where malicious operators can take advantage of. Have you recorded the IR? I haven't yet, though have a Logitech C920 I took the hot lens off and modified with a SLR mount case ( ) though haven't constructed the turret system I want to use with the detectors for directional finding. Still working broader bandwidth spectrum data logging system with the TDS family of oscilloscopes I acquired and am going to try repairing a NI GPIB-USB-HS Interface Adapter to see how that works. I am thinking to use GPIB to RJ-45 since can connect with COTS routers easier. Interesting the posts yesterday and today were rather catered to the interest with calibration to NIST or traceable standards also so to make sure the equipment is calibrated to national standards when detecting. That will be more challenging for COTS systems.

Others note also floor and ceiling shielding with maybe something if lower Hz frequency range like spacefoam to sleep on and maybe like for your bedding area an anechoic chamber type design with foam all around the sleeping area? I've seen musicians use carpet padding with egg foam containers glued on for more cost effective way. Spacefoam and the newer Purple foam is expensive. Wondering if that stuff was invented for this type of reason also. Some use two layers of drywall for sound and not sure if will work if whole system isn't rigid as I get earth shaking incidents for sure or at least me feeling like is. The way the perimeter can be resonated into like anything can be made to levitate or vibrate with sonic or ultrasonic tractor beams is intense. My guess is something like below and maybe I noted in other links on this post: Technically, sealing with duct tape all seams on the shield more like a Faraday Cage design around the above foam anechoic chamber design and don't forget airway circulation so baffling with maybe copper or steel screen/wool in the duct so air can still exchange. Might not be a bad idea to have the second layer of mylar or aluminum foil spaced a distance away from the "bunker" with a reciprocating fan to further diffuse or randomly reflect signals that are higher frequency heterodyne or pulse train to make the lower frequencies. Now with 5G, I wonder if the combinations of the approved frequencies when phased to add to 95Ghz are used like the Active Denial System that no way needed a reflector the size as demonstrated on the Hummer. The size of the antenna elements even in an array is so small I'm thinking at the higher power even. Furthermore, floating ground systems from mains isn't a bad idea in safe ways. So like charging batteries outside of the "bunker" and using batteries inside the bunker only if not optical isolated from mains. Maybe can design and make (even market to sell too) optical isolation boxes for hardwired communication signals. Not sure if an isolation transformer will work... though have been reading into for doing the hardware repair on power supplies and higher voltage systems since I don't have a differential voltage probe yet. I think I'm going to invest in a differential probe next. This EEVBlog goes into the ideas later on and may shed some insight into potential (pun wasn't intended though may be fitting) issues: I wonder if there is a minimal humidity also so plasma ions aren't formed as much or maybe insulating/absorbing if in microwave range. Make sure you are keeping your nutrients up and balanced like something checking to like with also. Interesting SDR systems on the market now for microwaves I just read about, with a particular application demonstrated for wireless remote sensing pulse and respiration:

Subhuman inbreeds more like pan troglodyte primate predators that murdered their way into installations and tortured or bribed more innocent humans to develop the tech. 3/23/2018 Update:

Here is a comment I made on a Techno Crime Fighters Dr Horton youtube post ( Thanks for the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I used a thin massaged with my fingers Q-tip on the tip of my tongue mark to paint the H2O2 on the mutilation I documented (albeit not well enough: I've done this for the past few days, with a ~3% H2O2 mouth rinse afterwards and a rinse with Biotene PBF formula and now looks like they're trying to split my tongue tip like a snake or lizard or something I'm guessing. I like using what you use also including cruciferous vegetables and pressure cooking meat when I eat typically. I don't use a selenium supplement. I like iodine, bleach and Code Blue nano silverzyme products for cleaning. I also use ozone occasionally for bugs also since most don't realize the weaponization and poisoning with other biologics like fleas, bed bugs, mites, etc. I have a theory that the west nile or other cult naming seasonal viruses, plumb island and the new Kansas or other bioweapons labs and bats dying from fungus is a coordinated event. I also wonder if not using silver iodine or other healthier hygienic for human health and fertility methods to perform weather modification is intentional also.


  1. Wondering if a higher purity powdered iron paint would be more cost effective? Especially with a layer of carbon and of titanium dioxide for the higher frequency region.

    Someone noted:
    I wear a permalloy halo. Permalloy is cost prohibitive, but it works. More in line for clothing armor. we all have trotect ourselves. Be safe.

    Thanks for sharing, you're the first I've read of using for. I've heard there are mylar or foil beanies on the market and are the hottest item selling in some places and wonder if a weighted blanket type system would be as effective like a more expensive lead blanket I've read one using online somewhere. Passive detection and protection is the easiest for sure. I was thinking the higher permeability materials are the best and had to double check as I tend to forget. This wiki has a great list for reference I like to refer to when researching.

    I was also thinking and have been writing a little on some of the FB radio related sites for detecting the lowest frequencies above DC (including human body) with using instead of ferrite in mag loop antennas to make a smaller size antenna for use also in wearable or at least portable broadest range to detect the lowest range for radio directional finding and detection equipment.

    The challenge I was just talking to my neighbor who'm I'm sure his grandparents were targeted also is detecting the perimeter also to correlate with the human body signals being affected by the perimeter detected with magnitude and direction signals. I've seen on eBay Vietnam era seismologic U.S. sensors like the TRC-3, read about USAF & US Navy ( ), even from dollar store ( ) and I bought some Arduino sensors (SW420, 801S, peizo ceramic disc and High sensitivity AC coupling for piezoelectric thin film Piezo vibration sensor) to try out now he mentioned another neighbor saw someone looking in their windows. I didn't built pressure seismo system yet as I keep researching the RF methods more that seems to migrate to wearables being that the materials can be integrated into silicone, fibers and more flexible comfortable looking like materials. Seems my handlers keep scope creeping me from collecting evidence as I have faith others are more detailed since I bet like ghost hunting is a high paying job for some and me demonstrating COTS methods can be challenging to the valid legal teams even. I can only guess how spoiled with budgets now days.

    You be safe also, thanks again.

  2. Ex Gang Stalking Operative Explains Tactics and Motives:


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