Ultra-portable family of USB driven instruments can perform spectrum measurements from 9kHz to 110GHz


Signal Hunters Episode 1

Taking spectrum analysis to new heights!
The MS2760A is the latest release in the Ultra-portable family of USB driven instruments - it can perform spectrum measurements from 9kHz to 110GHz in the industries smallest and lightest form factor. To test the versatility of this new class of instrumentation Signal Hunters’ Luke and Becca decided to see if they could find a hidden microwave signal by mounting the new MS2760A on a commercial drone – watch the video to see the results and see how the Anritsu Spectrum Master MS2760A ultraportable spectrum analyzer with best in class sweep speed, dynamic range, and continuous frequency coverage up to 110 GHz performs.

Reads like is about a ~$60K investment to own... however, leasing is the way to get around the high expense. 


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