GPSDO for Position Location, Time and Frequency Standard and updates since May

Found this interesting RTK GPS system module that is accurate down to 1cm, yeah, 1cm is what is claimed.  This video is the source:
Figured I'd share.

Reference comparison oscillators:
Updates Since May:

Hackaday: rtl-sdr-seven-years-later article with comments detailing applications


Neat system... though I'd like to work on a cost effective DIY wideband laser interferometer to more easily perform a mHz to ̶E̶̶H̶̶z̶̶ PHz spectrum analysis. Still... this system seems interesting. 

The below post corrupted me when I posted a comment, along with watching a video by The thought emporium to make a similar interferometer about the same time and a video by Physics Girl a few weeks later about how the LIGO system operates... got me thinking how not complicated a decent wideband laser interferometer can be made either using say a webcam as a detector or maybe a Cartesian coordinate system arranged laser frequency sensor detector since the image processing of the laser pattern isn't really required. Horizontal and Vertical positioned sensors should provide the information to at least determine the axis plane of the signal and I'm thinking that will correlate to polarity depending on the signal source.

Software references:

Three tasks to perform to bring user privacy of Ubuntu/Lubuntu 18.04 up to par with Mint:
1. ubuntu-report -f send no
2. sudo apt remove popularity-contest
3. Click the system status icons at the top right corner of the Ubuntu desktop and click the “Settings” icon in the popup. Select “Privacy” in the Settings window that appears, and then click the “Problem Reporting” entry. Set “Automatic Problem Reporting” to “Off” and close the window.

Lock-In Amplifier with Differential Pre-Amp:

I was just offered a Princeton Applied Research 124a lock-in amplifier with the model 116 differential pre-amp. I think I can modify and improve in other ways to make more modern. I went ahead and accepted the random offer. Hhhmmm... seems like a good price and will definitely need some restoring... though maybe not.  Was also offered free shipping with a new invoice for the PAR124a since I mentioned one just sold for $200.
Wow... didn't expect, though is a nice independence day system that is a Made in the USA rescue to add to the count of another saved system.
I'm thinking with this I might be able to hear the SAQ Grimeton transmission now in Michigan and not only potentially on the east coast only.
Here are some references:

This will be an interesting project to learn about the history of Lock-In Amplifiers as well as most likely a great upgrade project. Figure ~$25 for the AD630 or double that for a module... was and still am thinking upgraded components (if equal to and better in specs) are the better route to go. Plus another Made in the USA rescue with components/parts that can be repaired, restored and upgraded.
  • James Analytic Definitely will be nice to have a GPIB or better output for this system (not sure if can be controlled with yet stock). I'm almost thinking a new display also for a more sensitive readout. Have to read the schematics to see how the output is ran... since the display technically has the values I'd want to feed out to process if even on an MCU/SBC... for logging also.

Atomic Pi, Obsidian ESP32, Arduino Bread Shield and other Pinouts:

Pacific Measurements C10 Calibration Unit:

10' Free Satellite Dish to compliment 8" Free Satellite Dish of same design:

Wavetek NS-201 Signal Generator (VCO basically), HP 5347A Frequency Counter:

Hackaday article I referencedimproving-a-cheap-frequency-counter-with-gps/

Good references on beam forming from acoustic to microwave frequencies:

HPZ3801A 10 MHz GPS Disciplined Oscillator GPSDO Frequency Standard & Power Supply:


  1. Journal links from above reference:

    Detection of the Vibration Signal from Human Vocal Folds Using a 94-GHz Millimeter-Wave Radar (2017)

    Towards Contactless Silent Speech Recognition Based on Detection of Active and Visible Articulators Using IR-UWB Radar (2016)

    Concealed, Unobtrusive Ear-Centered EEG Acquisition: cEEGrids for Transparent EEG (2017)

    Target Speaker Detection with Concealed EEG Around the Ear (2016)

    Ear-EEG allows extraction of neural responses in challenging listening scenarios - A future technology for hearing aids? (2016)

    Identifying auditory attention with ear-EEG: cEEGrid versus high-density cap-EEG comparison. (2016)

    Reference configurations for ear-EEG steady-state responses. (2016)

  2. Towards Contactless Silent Speech Recognition Based on Detection of Active and Visible Articulators Using IR-UWB Radar

    "Initial technique of subvocal recognition monitored the neck, I found brain shielding shields it. I will test shielding my neck." NASA Develops System To Computerize Silent, "Subvocal Speech"

    Subvocal recognition

    "New technique of subvocal recognition monitors the brain via EEG. I found brain shielding shields subvocalization."Vowel Imagery Decoding toward Silent Speech BCI Using Extreme Learning Machine with Electroencephalogram

    Decoding of Covert Vowel Articulation Using Electroencephalography Cortical Currents

    Robotic and Virtual Reality BCIs Using Spatial Tactile and Auditory Oddball Paradigms

    Success in recognizing digits and monosyllables with high accurary from brain activity measurement

    An Evaluation of Training with an Auditory P300 Brain-Computer Interface for the Japanese Hiragana Syllabary. (2016)

    Mind-reading device that turns your thoughts into words could link up to smartphones within five years

    Device that can literally read your mind invented by scientists

    Brains behind Facebook’s ‘mind-reading’ tech worked with US defense. Facebook is also working on a way to let people hear through their skin.

  3. A. Kapur, S. Kapur, and P. Maes, "AlterEgo: A Personalized Wearable Silent Speech Interface." 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2018), pp 43-53, March 5, 2018.

  4. Real-time classification of auditory sentences using evoked cortical activity in humans (2018)

    University of California's New Mind-Reading Device Can Translate Brainwaves Into Words

    NEW Mind-Reading Machine Translates Thoughts to Text - MK Ultra Mind Control 2.0 Next?

  5. Here is some more data relating to the Active Denial frequency range of ~95GHz and regular WiFi that most of us are more familiar with.

    Here is a method to perform electronic heroin/opiate effects to cause CNS depressing/desensitizing/amnesic effects source info:


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