Remote Transmission Mutilation Assault Result

Went to pick up a Sears SS/16 for some parts in Illinois and along the way and back as usual I'm constantly (technically my handlers/controllers) are always out talking the invasive nuisance imminent threat remote transmission operations.  Well, seems like in new venues/jurisdictions the insurgent malicious invasive nuisance get really pissed off and like to physically assault in sexual assault and battery ways too, i.e. mutilating my anus, previous similar tip of my tongue mutilation, etc.

Well, I get back and could feel something was going on in the back of my throat and on the tip of my tongue so I looked in the mirror and was like... wow... mutilating my tongue again.

Wondering if the plan is to develop into a anal sphincter with hemorrhoids look like last time???? 

Treated the tip of my tongue and my throat and both are healing up... though man... had me worried since I was recently watching a video regarding the massive nuclear weapons testing dome in the Pacific which had a blirb at about 5 minutes in regarding the biological and chemical weapons testing performed also and thinking I might of been hit with that to get the what is assumed as X-LHED.  Kind of a tangent later thought that isn't so conclusive and more speculation.  Though still... this imminent threat assault and battery with maiming needs to cease and desist since deadly force is authorized and others can kill them legally as they need to.
Edit 12/26/2019: Adding previous image of the two tongue assaults
Technically, the photo is flipped vertically... so my left side was targeted those times where the right above most recently and it's developed into another two buds beneath so am waiting before I take more photos to see what it morphs into.


I have to review my medical records for when the anal rectal mutilation occurred at first that has permanently left me with some strange looking hemorrhoids and worse that I'm guessing will never heal without some tissue removed. I'm thinking that's what they did to my Dad and wonder if my older sister too since she lives in the Holland lakeshore area around those gays.  I know after reviewing my Dad's medical records... they most likely could have re-attached his G.I. tract since his anal rectal photos seemed great. Nothing like I have left.

I didn't take any photos of the range of anal mutilations, though is way graphic and the typical sexual physical mental assault region.  I did however photograph what is happening to my neighbor I grew up with who seems to be having the same right side assault on his lower extremities with intense swelling in the knee and ankles.  I did take some photos of the what I guess is a membrane potential energy resonance effect or something that makes the membranes leak so can break down or dissolve maybe alone or by immuno compromising to allow for pathogens to colonize.  I usually have some sort of scrotum assault and the region... though hasn't been as intense as since I was living in Allegan before I was armed robbed in 2013 on and off, depending if I'm being checked on by medical staff since they can make the change rapid in effect to heal or not, until about 2018. 

~10/15/2017 and starting the day I opened the box of the hacked Realistic Pro-2006 from AZ:

~10/16/2017 groin area scaring post membrane assault to make scrotum leak and inner thigh leak most likely immunocompromising to cause infection

~02/05/2018: Minor swelling and noting toe nails impact from infection and/or DEW assault.

~02/12/2018: Inner thigh scaring from another round of assault

~12/20/2018: The Follicitis that I need to post images of.  Wondering if was caused by signaling to cause insects to bite and/or hair curling to cause boils and/or immunocompromising to cause infection.

~02/02/2019:  Toe nails observed to be healing finally for a period of time.  Assuming infection isn't present to extent since inner thigh not impacted finally.  Groin region is still always targeted since they like to make me urinate and defecate on their command and control.

~07/10/2019: Toe nails and thumb nail (I notice on my hand nails DEW assault impact also)

~10/31/2019:  Angular chilitis looking assault with some other most likely mutilation I'm guessing from immunocompromisation.  I tend to notice lately over the last two years a high frequency sound they used either to I guess aggravate or signal insects to assault on their command/control and/or cause immunocompromising from some sort of code they figured out that is either random or known premeditated.


  1. I forgot to note also... prior to this had angular chilitis on my left side that started after having strangely dry low lip center part cracking issues, then after the angular chilitis went away with treatment the center cracking started again on the lower lip. After clearing that up seemed when two depressions on my forehead that seemed darker in color appeared. I've gotten rid of the one above my right eyebrow... and treating the a little higher above the left eyebrow that looks like is going away also. Amazing the assault and maiming (since I'm sure this will scar and at the least premature age me) occurs with sometimes cult observations blatantly appearant.

    1. The day after I posted the above photos and made the edit, my tongue got worse and developed into three buds mutated (two below the one in the most recent image and looking like somewhat the ~7/20/18 image though in a different location/position) and feeling sensitive with strange sensation coming and going. Then all the sudden everything started to clear up... maybe thanks to posting and some unknown defense. Doing OK now, in that regards other than the mental and physical anal assaults and of course dream theater or whatever the dream manipulation I guess like NLP all night and waking me every morning.

      I did just find out on a tangent topic... the State of Michigan Attorney General is openly gay and threw out fifteen lawsuit that were criminal charges against those in the Flint Water Crisis. Seems not good in regards to liability when poisoning and deterring that activity. Wondering what she'll do in regards to class action suites or other criminal charges regarding remote sensing and remote transmission and AI or other related invasive nuisance stalking and rights violations related crimes?

  2. Reading into what might be a worse case scenario goal in effecting me I'm wondering and some others in my perimeter reads like is a Behçet's disease (BD) with more gout like symptoms somewhat where I'd guess the wireless systems might be able to eventually cause a thrombophlebitis. Mom had more a Raynaud syndrome I've noticed also personally effecting me regularly if not active enough, though I do keep the house cool like under 65 typically until AC comes on then like 69. When I'm out in public the operators like to make my middle finger typically be effected which doesn't make sense though relating to house temp. Interesting video regarding... though I don't have the varicose veins like my neighbors grandmother did. Interesting looking at the mechanics. I think I have more a edema with some blood pooling spider veins effects.


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